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This is known as the brige

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Q: What is the middle of your foot called?
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What is the middle toe on your foot called?

its called middle toe see "toe" on wikipedia

What is middle of foot called?

Cheesy feet

What is the name of the bones in the middle of your foot?

The bones located in the middle of a human foot, or between the ankle and the toes, are called the metatarsals. The bones in the ankle are called the tarsals and the toes are called phalanges. ____ The tarsal bones have names: talus calcaneous navicular cuboid medial, middle and lateral cuneiforms

What is the middle part of human foot called?

mid-tarsal region

What is the middle joint in a flute called?

The middle section of a flute is called the body. Top end is the head joint and bottom end is the foot joint.

What has a foot at each end and a foot in the middle?

A Yard Stick

What is the scientific name for footbones?

Which ones? The heelbone is the calcaneus, those in the middle of the foot are called metatarsals, and the ones in the toes are mostly called phalanges. (The general term for the bones in the back of the foot is "tarsals", but each of them has its own unique name as well).

What are the different parts of a horses foot?

there is the hoof and in the middle is a soft part called a frog that you CAN'T pick witha hoof pick!

What is the bottom of the foot called?

It's called the sole of the foot. (Other areas on the sole of the foot are specifically called the ball of the foot, the arch of the foot, toes and heel)

What is a proper word for worn on foot has oo in the middle?

A boot is worn on the foot.

What is the first finger of foot called?

what is the first fingerof foot called

What is a musical foot called?

A musical foot is called a "spondee"