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Generally speaking, the same as it is now. However, there were certain meteorological events that helped shape history. The early 14th century, prior to the Black Death, saw widespread flooding across Europe, primarily in the UK. This affected crops and as a result general health. 1066 witnessed the appearance of Halley's Comet, which (despite not being a weather phenomenon) was taken as an ill omen, and for Harold II it most certainly was. This occurred in April, and it was portentous as, as the spring weather improved and winter died, the risk of invasion of England grew. Harold awaited William's invasion, stationed along the south coast for five months. In September, due to impending autumn, he had to release his troops (including many peasants gathered to swell the ranks with sheer numbers, rather than a purely professional fighting force) due to supplies running out, and as they had to return to their harvests. The seasons and related weather can affect many political, tactical and practical maneuvers.

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16y ago
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13y ago

The climate is cold during our summer and hot in our winter wile they plant crops.

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12y ago

I did NOT live around that time but......

I think it was probably cold & dry during those times !

Hope you got a lot from this !

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