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Your question calls for an opinion, not a fact and opinions differ. Read the play "Julius Caesar" and form your own opinion.

Your question calls for an opinion, not a fact and opinions differ. Read the play "Julius Caesar" and form your own opinion.

Your question calls for an opinion, not a fact and opinions differ. Read the play "Julius Caesar" and form your own opinion.

Your question calls for an opinion, not a fact and opinions differ. Read the play "Julius Caesar" and form your own opinion.

Your question calls for an opinion, not a fact and opinions differ. Read the play "Julius Caesar" and form your own opinion.

Your question calls for an opinion, not a fact and opinions differ. Read the play "Julius Caesar" and form your own opinion.

Your question calls for an opinion, not a fact and opinions differ. Read the play "Julius Caesar" and form your own opinion.

Your question calls for an opinion, not a fact and opinions differ. Read the play "Julius Caesar" and form your own opinion.

Your question calls for an opinion, not a fact and opinions differ. Read the play "Julius Caesar" and form your own opinion.

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Your question calls for an opinion, not a fact and opinions differ. Read the play "Julius Caesar" and form your own opinion.

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Q: What is your response to the statement brutus is an honorable man?
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What is brutus' last name?

Brutus is what we today consider a last name. The man's complete name was Marcus Junius Brutus.

Why is Marcus brutus famous?

Marcus Brutus is famous or infamous firstly because he was one of Caesar's killers. Secondly, he was a man who literally owed his life to Caesar, after the war with Pompey. He was also the recipient of many other kindnesses from Caesar, and then to turn against him both politically and physically, was an act that history finds despicable.

Did Brutus love Caesar?

No, he was not. Nor was he acting for the Republic. If a man truly believes that he must kill for an ideal, than he does so. On the other hand, if he is cowardly and simply wishing to follow the crowd, then one might see him wait till others have done the killing, then step in at the end so as to not be left out. History has recorded that Brutus only stabbed when the deed was already done, and Caesar lay bleeding and helpless. This is why his name - like the name of Judas - is known, but not used.

Who said Quantity has a quality of its own?

Oh honey, that would be Joseph Stalin. The man may have had some questionable beliefs, but he did make a valid point with that statement. Sometimes having a whole bunch of something can make up for its lack of individual quality.

When Augustus died who chose his successor?

It wasn't Augustus Successor, it was Augustus Caesar. He was the nephew of Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar was a powerful man who was stabbed to death by his "friend" Brutus. After Julius died, Augustus was elected Emperor by the Senate. Augustus was a good leader compared to some other Emperors. One accually wanted his horse to be his general!

Related questions

Who said Brutus is an honorable man?

Antony, in his funeral oration for Caesar, repeated the phrase, "Brutus said he (meaning Caesar) was ambitious and Brutus is an honorable man," in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.

What phrase from this passage of Julius Caesar helps the audience understand that Brutus is not trustworthy?

.By repeating the phrase, "he is an honourable man"

What was brutus downfall?

In the play by Shakespeare, Brutus' downfall was his belief that every man was as honorable as himself. He had an unmovable desire to do the most honorable things, which caused him to be easily manipulated. Cassius utilized this and talked Brutus into killing Caesar.

Who said ambition should be made of sterner stuff yet Brutus said he was ambitious and Brutus is an honorable man?

Mark Antony

How does Antony repeatedly refer to brutus during the funeral oration?

During Caesar's funeral, Antony refers to Brutus as an honorable man. This is said sarcastically as Brutus was a traitor to Caesar.

How does Antony repeatedly refer to britus during the funeral oration?

He refers to Brutus as a "honorable man" and also refers to the rest of the conspirators as 'honorable men'.

In this passage from Julius Caesar why does Antony repeat the phrase ''he is an honorable man''?

“To show that audience that Brutus is not trustworthy “

In the passage from Julius Caesar why does Antony repeat the phrase he is an honorable man?

to show the audience that brutus is not trustworthy.

What distinction does Antony make between Brutus and the conspirators?

He calls Brutus "an honorable man" distinguishing him as someone who has proper motives while the other conspirators may be wicked

How does the crowed react to Antony's speech?

After Julius Caesar was assassinated, Antony gave a eulogy purporting to praise Brutus. He kept repeating that Brutus was an honorable man while making it obvious that the opposite was true. The crowd turned against Brutus.

What does thou art the ruins of the noblest man?

this basically means that Brutus was the cause of Caesars death, thus Antony was referring to brutus in that statement

Who says Brutus says he was ambitious and Brutus is an honorable man?

Mark Anthony calls Brutus an honourable man repeatedly when addressing the general (public), and in so doing influences the crowd into thinking the exact opposite to change public opinion against him after his part in slaying Julius Caesar.