Constantine would have had to have spoken both Latin, his native language, and Greek, the diplomatic language of his time.
Constantine I (or the Great) was the 57th Roman emperor.
The sons of Constantine the Great included Crispus, his eldest son by his wife, Minervina, and Constantine II, Constantius II and Constans - all sons of his wife, Fausta. He also had two daughters, Constantina and Helena.
The first Roman emperor named Constantine was Constantine I or the Great. He reigned a co-emperor from 306 to 324 and as the sole emperor from 324 to 337. He was the 57th Roman emperor.
Constantine the Great had himself baptised just before his death.
Constantine would have had to have spoken both Latin, his native language, and Greek, the diplomatic language of his time.
You would speak the same language you spoke before you went to Great Britain. If you're asking what language you should use in Great Britain, the answer is English.
Constantine the Great was born on February 27, 272.
Constantine II.
There was not an opposite of Constantine. Constantine the Great was the 7th Roman emperor.
No. People from Great Britain are British- most speak English. There is no language called British.
No. The last Roman Emperor to speak Latin was Justinian I of the Byzantine Empire who ruled more than two centuries after Constantine.
Constantine is important to ancient Rome because he was the first emperor of Christianity.
Constantine the Great died on May 22, 337 at the age of 65.
Constantine the Great was born on February 27, 272.
No Constantine the great was Roman born in Serbia.