The nuts the Romans ate were almonds, chestnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts.
The Romans did eat egg from ostriches and chicken. The eggs were different sizes depending on the season, breed, and cooping conditions.
yes, they would eat ostrig brains
The ancient Romans consumed a fairly well rounded diet. The foods that they did not eat were foods such as tomatoes, yams, and potatoes. These were New World foods and the Romans never knew about them.
it is a place where romans eat in summer.
lol nuts!
cows can eat nuts.
Piranhas don't eat nuts.
The Romans didn't eat clothes.
the rich Romans used to eat fish, nuts, fruits and drank honeyed wine
Unless allergic to nuts, I don't think of any reson why they can't eat nuts.
Babys can only eat nuts if its chewed up for them
yes magpies eat seeds and nuts
The Romans used spoons and their fingers to eat.
good nuts
Romans eat pig with apple in its mouth and they drank wine.
Rich Romans ate peacock tongues cooked by slaves. Another complex meal they liked was a stuffing of a chicken inside a duck, then the duck inside a goose, then the goose inside a pig, then the pig inside a cow, and cooking the whole thing together. The rich Romans liked food that was unusual or very expensive or very difficult to make.