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The plague that attacked the lungs was the pneumonic plague, a particularly devastating form of the Bubonic Plague. There is a link below.

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Q: What plague attacked the lungs?
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Which type of plague attacked the lungs of the patient in the black death?

The bubonic plague.

How did you get pneumonic plague from bubonic plague?

You got it through a rat flea that infected you.

What good came out of the black plague in 1665?

because aliens attacked earth but they caught the black plague and died

What epidemic attacked the people of Europe in 1347?

The epidemic that attacked the people of Europe was the Black Plague or the Black death.

Which was the most rare form of the plague?

the most rare form of the plague was pneumonic plague which was in the lungs rather than the blood and could kill you in upto 3 days.

What are the symptoms of secondary pneumonic plague?

The symptoms of secondary pneumonic plague are a high fever, a cough that brings up bloody sputum, breathing problems, and respiratory failure. This type of plague affects a person's lungs.

Can the bubonic plague be spread through the air?

Not usually unless the person who had bubo had started developing septicaemic plague. septicaemic- this plague (there are three different types) affected the lungs and was transmitted from human to human.

What was the black death and how did it impact shakespeares career?

The Black Death was an epidemic of Bubonic Plague which swept through Europe in the 1300s and killed one-third of the population. It was called the Black Death because it attacked the lymphatic system and caused blue-black lumps called buboes to form in the lymphatic nodes. By Shakespeare's day, two hundred years later, it had died out. The plague virus had, however mutated and a new disease was a problem, called Pneumonic Plague, because it attacked the lungs rather than the lymphatic system. This kind of plague made frequent outbreaks throughout England during Shakespeare's life. Shakespeare's sister Anne died of it. The theatre business was severely curtailed on several occasions when the theatres were all closed as a health measure during outbreaks.

What health problem caused massive deaths during Shakespeares lifetime?

It was called the plague. The particular form of plague in the 16th and 17th century was called the "pneumonic plague" which affects the lungs and results in coughing as well as bloody vomit. The Bubonic Plague or black death was a related disease which resulted in massive deaths in the fourteenth century

What are the differences between the Bubonic and the Pneumonic Plague?

The bubonic plague made the victim vomit, have severe headaches, a high fever, black spots, boils, cough up of blood and have large buboes, sometimes as big as apples, that were filled with puss and blood. They were mainly found underneath armpits and in between legs. The pneumonic plague infected the victims lungs and their respiratory system. It made the victim have bright red blood come from their lungs and out of their mouth.

What type of plague was Dinozzo on NCIS sick with?

Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo had the Pneumonic Plague.The Bubonic Plague becomes the Pneumonic Plague once it hits the lungs.We know that it reached that point because Ducky points out that there is no scarring on the lungs of the charred body they had mistaken for Tony and therefore cannot be Tony.

How is pneumonic plague spread?

Pneumonic Plague is the most serious form of plague. It should not be confused with Bubonic Plague, the "Black Death" of Medieval Europe. As it's name implies, it affects the lungs. It can be successfully treated if antibiotics are administered within the first 24 hours of symptoms appearing. Without treatment it is uniformly fatal in 36-48 hours. 98% of the cases reported each year occur in Africa.