During the Middle Ages art was mainly commissioned by The Church.
During the middle ages noble women had no opportunity no learn how to read and write.
During the Middle Ages, most people were farmers.
well your wording is confusing😕
What section of Africa carried on much trade during the middle ages
During World War II the National Socialist German Workers' Party was the German political party. It is Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei in German, otherwise known as the NAZI Party.
machell obamma
bob the builder
No. The increase in the power of the Church happened in the Roman Empire at a time when the economic and political power was mostly in the hands of the military. In the Middle Ages, the aristocracy gained military power, and the rise of the middle class only happened during the Middle Ages after that.
It sounds as if you are thinking of the Gestapo - which was a secret and political police.
Rudolf Hess
Roman Catholic AnswerWhat political and economic power the Church had at the time was challenged by the princes of Europe who used the "reformers" to further their own agenda. Henry VIII and the German princes were prime examples.
Nazi or National Socialist German Workers Party.
If the German alchemist lived after 900 AD, then yes. They became more common as time went on.
The proud and noble German surname of Baeza arose during the Middle Ages in Austria as an occupational surname, to denote a person who was a collector of fines.