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It was the lord's responsibility to manage and defend his land and the people who worked it. :D
The nobility had a responsibility to their king and to make sure that the money or crops from their manor/estate reached the king. They also owed the king time as a knight and were required to attend training a certain number of days each month. If there was a war they were required to fight. As individual estate owners they had the responsibility to see that the estate ran well and that any problems that arose were taken care of by them. They were to oversee the growing to the crops, harvest, and rents. To grant permission to marry to the tenants on their estates.

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What responsibilities did knights have in the feudal system

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we need to stod the nwo it is evel

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Q: What responsibilities did lords have in the feudal system?
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the monarchs during the feudal system were the feudal lords they were excepted to keep protection for their vassals

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i think the peasants have more responsibilties because they work a lot and serve there lords

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This is a feudal society that you ask about.

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beacause they were losers

What responsibilities did peasants have in the feudal system?

Peasants did not have many responsibilities in the feudal system. All they had to do was pay their tither, or 10% of their crops, to the church. Otherwise, they did not have many responsibilities. ----- Peasants who were yeoman farmers had their own holdings. They had to pay tax to their feudal lords or the king, and to be ready to serve in the army, usually as archers. Peasants who were freeman tenants had to pay rent, usually in the form of money, to their landlords. Those who were serfs had to pay rent, usually in the form of work, and had to work common fields with other serfs. They were obliged never to move away from the manors on which they lived, but in exchange for this got a place to live, jobs, and protection.

What was the role of noblewoman in the system?

The role of noble woman in the feudal system was to take the lords place when the lord was at war

What is the pyramid that shows the medieval time feudal system called?

The feudal system is described by the Feudal Pyramid, which has four basic elements, the king, the lords, the common vassals, and the serfs. It is called a pyramid because each layer was supported by a much larger group that supported it, down to the serfs. The term vassal is sometimes applied only to those below the lords, but the lords were vassals.