They were responsible for looking after the children and maintaining the household. Their other responsibilities depended on the position of their families. Farmers would work on the land, in cities they would help their craftsmen-husbands or work in stores.
In higher circles, they would do their part in adding to the reputation and connections of the family. Since divorce was easy, many women in these classes were loyal to their own family first, before they were loyal to their husbands.
None. Women were excluded from politics. However, wives of emperors could influence their husbands of engage in power intrigues to favour their sons in their bid for power, as with Messalina and Agrippina the Younger.
Valeria Messalina was third wife of Claudius. He position was vulnerable because Claudius was old and their son, Britannicus, was an infant. She manipulated Claudius into executing many of her rivals. She tried to have the young Nero (another rival to her son) murdered, but failed. Finally, her plot to murder Claudius was discovered and she was executed.
Agrippina the Younger was the fourth wife of Claudius and Nero's mother. She, too, eliminated or removed anyone at the court who could be a threat to her or her son. She manipulated Claudius into adopting Nero and designating him as his heir. Claudius then changed his mind and wanted to return to favouring Britannicus. Claudius soon died and it is unsure if this was due to natural causes or murder. Agrippina had Nero proclaimed emperor. She also had Tiberius Claudius Narcissus, a freedman in the inner circle of Claudius' court who supported Britannicus, arrested and executed. Agrippina also managed to obtain the title of Augusta. She was only the second living woman who managed to obtain this title.
Women had no role whatsoever in the government of ancient Rome. The closest a woman could come to governing was to advise her husband or son. Some women, such as Livia, did this tactfully and her effort was appreciated. Others, such as Agrippina, tried to command and take over authority and it cost her her life.
When Constantine converted Christian, then Christianity became a state religion for the Roman Empire.
they attacked the bazantine empire
The Roman legions were stationed mainly in the frontier provinces to protect the empire from attacks from outside. This was their main task. Another one was law and order as the empire, apart form the city of Rome, did not have a police force
He (that is, Charlemagne) was crowned Emperor of the Roman Empire by the Pope.
The groups which precipitated process of the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire (the eastern part continued to exist for nearly another 1,000 years) where the Vandals, Sueves, and Alans who invaded Gaul and moved on to Spain and north-western Africa, and the Burgundians who settled in northern Gaul.
The natural disasters played a role in the fall of the roman empire when there was plagues, famines, and earthquakes.
Please be more specif. What was the role of the fall of the Roman Empire in what?
When Constantine converted Christian, then Christianity became a state religion for the Roman Empire.
the arab empire that controlled 3/4 of the region and some of it was the Roman Empire
The women made jewelry while men hunted
Theodora is perhaps the most influential and powerful woman in the Roman Empire's history, which shows that women could hold political power.
After a series of revolts, the Romans expelled them from Jerusalem.
Theodora is perhaps the most influential and powerful woman in the Roman Empire's history, which shows that women could hold political power.
Theodora is perhaps the most influential and powerful woman in the Roman Empire's history, which shows that women could hold political power.
Julius Caesar had no role in the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire whatsoever. He died 520 years before the conventional date given for the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire (which is sometimes called the fall of Rome).
Though Roman government in the form of the Byzantine Empire survived in the East. Though Roman government in the form of the Byzantine Empire survived in the East ... While Rome's absence in the West brought with it tremendous change.
What role did women play in the narrative Fredrick Douglass