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it was probably fun but also informative as some people would have illnesses and tradgedies but it normally had nobles and knights so it would be hard to get in if you hadn't got royal blood in you

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Q: What was dinner like for the kings in the Medieval ages?
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The Bayeux Tapestry is important since most paintings during the Medieval Ages consisted of Christian Art. The Bayeux Tapestry was one of the few found to have contained the daily life of peasants, kings and so on. This showed many researchers what life was like in the Medieval Ages. So basically it "opened" our eyes to the Medieval world

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Never. That is what peasants were for.

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enemys like humans

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What were kings like in the middle ages?

kings were verey interseting i would have loved those king psuh lplz played you they were bad kings

What do people mean when they say a country is medieval?

they mean a country is like the middle ages

Who invented medieval swords?

The sword comes from the ancient Chinese. The medieval swords come up from different ages like iron age, bronze age, middle ages, late middle ages and the modern era. In medieval swords so many swords are categorized so specifically we cannot say who invented these.

Is there royalty in Sims 3?

There is no "royalty" in The Sims 3. There are however nobles/kings/queens and such in the Sims Medieval, which is very much like Sims 3 but during Medieval times.

How many kings were in the middle ages?

Historically, the question is asking about a 1000 years of history so it is very hard on a site like this to list all of the kings.

Are middle ages and medieval times the same?

The Middle Ages and medieval times are the same thing. The word medieval is defined as the adjectival form for Middle Ages, and comes from Latin words meaning middle ages. One thing to remember, however, is that while a given historian usually does not distinguish between the meanings of the two terms, historians disagree with each other about the dates of the period. So one historian might say the terms Middle Ages and medieval times both refer to the times from 476 to 1453, and another might say they both terms refer to the times from from 1066 to 1485. There is a link below to an article on the Middle Ages.