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One of the greatest developments in building that Rome used was concrete. The use of concrete in various weights enabled them to construct the dome.

One of the greatest developments in building that Rome used was concrete. The use of concrete in various weights enabled them to construct the dome.

One of the greatest developments in building that Rome used was concrete. The use of concrete in various weights enabled them to construct the dome.

One of the greatest developments in building that Rome used was concrete. The use of concrete in various weights enabled them to construct the dome.

One of the greatest developments in building that Rome used was concrete. The use of concrete in various weights enabled them to construct the dome.

One of the greatest developments in building that Rome used was concrete. The use of concrete in various weights enabled them to construct the dome.

One of the greatest developments in building that Rome used was concrete. The use of concrete in various weights enabled them to construct the dome.

One of the greatest developments in building that Rome used was concrete. The use of concrete in various weights enabled them to construct the dome.

One of the greatest developments in building that Rome used was concrete. The use of concrete in various weights enabled them to construct the dome.

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One of the greatest developments in building that Rome used was concrete. The use of concrete in various weights enabled them to construct the dome.

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What was gold used for in ancient Rome?

In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!In ancient Rome gold was used for jewelry, decoration, some dinnerware, and most important of all---MONEY!

In Rome slaves were used for public amusement when trained to be?


What common compound did ancient roman use as currency?

The compound used for currency in ancient Rome was bronze. The lower value coins, the as, dupondus, semis and sestertius were made of this material.The compound used for currency in ancient Rome was bronze. The lower value coins, the as, dupondus, semis and sestertius were made of this material.The compound used for currency in ancient Rome was bronze. The lower value coins, the as, dupondus, semis and sestertius were made of this material.The compound used for currency in ancient Rome was bronze. The lower value coins, the as, dupondus, semis and sestertius were made of this material.The compound used for currency in ancient Rome was bronze. The lower value coins, the as, dupondus, semis and sestertius were made of this material.The compound used for currency in ancient Rome was bronze. The lower value coins, the as, dupondus, semis and sestertius were made of this material.The compound used for currency in ancient Rome was bronze. The lower value coins, the as, dupondus, semis and sestertius were made of this material.The compound used for currency in ancient Rome was bronze. The lower value coins, the as, dupondus, semis and sestertius were made of this material.The compound used for currency in ancient Rome was bronze. The lower value coins, the as, dupondus, semis and sestertius were made of this material.

What were Vespasian failures?

Here are some of them. 1. He asked the people of Rome to pay a bit more of their taxes to save Rome. 2. He used the tax money to build roads. 3. He failed to bring Rome out of their depression.

How did the Romans build the Roman colosseum?

The Colosseum was called the Flavian amphitheatre because it was the vision of Emperor Vespasian, first Emperor of the Flavian dynasty. It was the first stadium that was covered. They could pull a huge tent on top with a big hole in the middle for the light. Each arch had a huge statue. The external surface of the colosseum had sheets of pink marble; the same marble that Saint Peter basilica is built!. The reason why is in ruins, it is principally due to the later Romans that used the building material of the colosseums to build villas around Rome until a pope declared whomever would take more building material from the colosseum will be sent to death. The looting stopped! The Colosseum was built with a mixture of concrete, bricks and limestone. Only the base of the building was made of stone, because if the entire building was constructed of stone it would have collapsed under it's own weight. Arches were used extensively in the construction because it is the only effective way of safely supporting the still extreme weight of the building. There were 240 in the external section of the building alone. Of course, the work was all carried out by huge numbers of skilled and unskilled workers - some estimates put half the population of Rome connected in some way with the construction.

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The greatest legacy of Rome is the concept civil rights. It is used in modern form in all three countries of the world.

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What is the roman colloseum used for?

The Colosseum was originally used for entertainment purposes. During the middle ages it was used as a source for building materials and today it is one of Rome's biggest tourist attractions and it is actually the symbol of the city of Rome.

What is the ancient roman building that was used for fighting?

In Rome itself, it was the Colosseum, but in other Roman towns and forts, they simply referred to a fighting building or space as the "arena".

What manufactured goods did Rome have?

Wine, olive oil, salt, and grain are the largest ones. Rome relied mostly on imports from other countries. Rome also produced a lot of stone which is used in the building of their temples and monuments.

What building materials were used to build large buildings and bridges in ancient rome?

Usually concrete. Romans invented concrete.

What were some Roman enventions?

The aqua duct to bring water into Rome, plumbing, the Roman arch used in building and bridges, some of which are still in use.

Which building material that is used today was invented to build large buildings and bridges in ancient Rome?

The Romans used the arch to build large buildings and bridges.

What four things of ancient Rome that still infulence the world today?

What four things of ancient Rome that still influence the world today? That is a great question... but I only know 2 (sorry!) 1) The government. Democracy and voting are still used all around the world 2) The art and building designs. The pottery is used around the world and the building designs are used on some houses and other buildings