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There were two Catiline or Catilinarian conspiracies.

The first conspiracy occurred in 65 BC. It was a plot to murder the consuls (the two annually elected heads of the Roman Republic). The elected consuls were prevented from taking office because they were accused of electoral corruption. Two other consuls were elected in their place. The two accused consuls plotted to kill the new consuls and many senators and seize power. After Catiline's death, Cicero accused him of having masterminded the first as well as the second conspiracy. However, historians think that this is highly unlikely for various reasons. Moreover, there are different accounts of this story and they implicate different people.

The second conspiracy was in 63/62 BC. It was a plot by senators and politicians who had been cast out of politics for various reasons. It was said that they wanted to overthrow the Roman Republic, but their aim was to restore their senatorial seats or political positions. Their main leader was Catiline. He pursued a policy of debt relief to get the support of poor peasants and veterans. The conspirators promoted unrest in the countryside throughout Italy and a small slave revolt in Capua and were planning to murder a large number of senators. They also sent an army officer (Gaius Manlius) to Etruria to gather an army to support the revolt. They also planned to kill Cicero, but he was warned by an informant. Marcus Petreius was sent to Etruria with a military unit to deal Gaius Manlius. Cicero obtained evidence of the conspiracy and had the ringleaders sentenced to death without trial and executed swiftly to end the troubles quickly.

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What made Cicero a famous Roman figure?

Cicero's natural abilities made him a famous Roman figure, plus his massive writing works that were kept and published by his freedman, Tiro. Ciclished patrician families. Despite this, he was he reached the office of consul He was one of Rome's greatest orators and saved the republic by uncovering the conspiracy of Cataline.

What Roman Emperor was nicknamed the father of the country?

"Pater Patria" or "father of the country" was given to Augustus. It was a title of great respect and honor for some outstanding civic deed. Cicero was given this title after thwarting the conspiracy of Cataline. Unfortunately, the title was given freely to many emperors following Augustus as a form of flattery, so it lost its original connotations of civic accomplishments.

What made cincero a famous roman figure?

If you mean Cicero, he was a famous Roman figure because he achieved political status that few men could in the time that he lived. Cicero was not of the patrician class of Rome. He was what they called a "new man" in that his family never held a consulship or political office before him. He had a talent as an orator and was one of Rome's greatest. Through his oratory as a lawyer he gained fame and was eventually elected consul. During his consulship, he uncovered a plot to overthrow the government called the conspiracy of Cataline. He punished the offenders (illegally) and was proclaimed "pater patria" or father of his country. Many of his writings and letters have come down to us thanks to his freedman, Tiro, who saved them and had them published.If you mean Cicero, he was a famous Roman figure because he achieved political status that few men could in the time that he lived. Cicero was not of the patrician class of Rome. He was what they called a "new man" in that his family never held a consulship or political office before him. He had a talent as an orator and was one of Rome's greatest. Through his oratory as a lawyer he gained fame and was eventually elected consul. During his consulship, he uncovered a plot to overthrow the government called the conspiracy of Cataline. He punished the offenders (illegally) and was proclaimed "pater patria" or father of his country. Many of his writings and letters have come down to us thanks to his freedman, Tiro, who saved them and had them published.If you mean Cicero, he was a famous Roman figure because he achieved political status that few men could in the time that he lived. Cicero was not of the patrician class of Rome. He was what they called a "new man" in that his family never held a consulship or political office before him. He had a talent as an orator and was one of Rome's greatest. Through his oratory as a lawyer he gained fame and was eventually elected consul. During his consulship, he uncovered a plot to overthrow the government called the conspiracy of Cataline. He punished the offenders (illegally) and was proclaimed "pater patria" or father of his country. Many of his writings and letters have come down to us thanks to his freedman, Tiro, who saved them and had them published.If you mean Cicero, he was a famous Roman figure because he achieved political status that few men could in the time that he lived. Cicero was not of the patrician class of Rome. He was what they called a "new man" in that his family never held a consulship or political office before him. He had a talent as an orator and was one of Rome's greatest. Through his oratory as a lawyer he gained fame and was eventually elected consul. During his consulship, he uncovered a plot to overthrow the government called the conspiracy of Cataline. He punished the offenders (illegally) and was proclaimed "pater patria" or father of his country. Many of his writings and letters have come down to us thanks to his freedman, Tiro, who saved them and had them published.If you mean Cicero, he was a famous Roman figure because he achieved political status that few men could in the time that he lived. Cicero was not of the patrician class of Rome. He was what they called a "new man" in that his family never held a consulship or political office before him. He had a talent as an orator and was one of Rome's greatest. Through his oratory as a lawyer he gained fame and was eventually elected consul. During his consulship, he uncovered a plot to overthrow the government called the conspiracy of Cataline. He punished the offenders (illegally) and was proclaimed "pater patria" or father of his country. Many of his writings and letters have come down to us thanks to his freedman, Tiro, who saved them and had them published.If you mean Cicero, he was a famous Roman figure because he achieved political status that few men could in the time that he lived. Cicero was not of the patrician class of Rome. He was what they called a "new man" in that his family never held a consulship or political office before him. He had a talent as an orator and was one of Rome's greatest. Through his oratory as a lawyer he gained fame and was eventually elected consul. During his consulship, he uncovered a plot to overthrow the government called the conspiracy of Cataline. He punished the offenders (illegally) and was proclaimed "pater patria" or father of his country. Many of his writings and letters have come down to us thanks to his freedman, Tiro, who saved them and had them published.If you mean Cicero, he was a famous Roman figure because he achieved political status that few men could in the time that he lived. Cicero was not of the patrician class of Rome. He was what they called a "new man" in that his family never held a consulship or political office before him. He had a talent as an orator and was one of Rome's greatest. Through his oratory as a lawyer he gained fame and was eventually elected consul. During his consulship, he uncovered a plot to overthrow the government called the conspiracy of Cataline. He punished the offenders (illegally) and was proclaimed "pater patria" or father of his country. Many of his writings and letters have come down to us thanks to his freedman, Tiro, who saved them and had them published.If you mean Cicero, he was a famous Roman figure because he achieved political status that few men could in the time that he lived. Cicero was not of the patrician class of Rome. He was what they called a "new man" in that his family never held a consulship or political office before him. He had a talent as an orator and was one of Rome's greatest. Through his oratory as a lawyer he gained fame and was eventually elected consul. During his consulship, he uncovered a plot to overthrow the government called the conspiracy of Cataline. He punished the offenders (illegally) and was proclaimed "pater patria" or father of his country. Many of his writings and letters have come down to us thanks to his freedman, Tiro, who saved them and had them published.If you mean Cicero, he was a famous Roman figure because he achieved political status that few men could in the time that he lived. Cicero was not of the patrician class of Rome. He was what they called a "new man" in that his family never held a consulship or political office before him. He had a talent as an orator and was one of Rome's greatest. Through his oratory as a lawyer he gained fame and was eventually elected consul. During his consulship, he uncovered a plot to overthrow the government called the conspiracy of Cataline. He punished the offenders (illegally) and was proclaimed "pater patria" or father of his country. Many of his writings and letters have come down to us thanks to his freedman, Tiro, who saved them and had them published.

What Roman conspirator was denounced by Cicero?

It was Lucius Sergius Catilina who led the Second Catilinarian conspiracy.

Who first coined the distinction between conspiracy theory and the cockup theory of history?

"Many journalists have fallen for the conspiracy theory of government. I do assure you that they would produce more accurate work if they adhered to the cock-up theory" Bernard Ingham Margaret Thatchers press advisor in 1985

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Cicero's natural abilities made him a famous Roman figure, plus his massive writing works that were kept and published by his freedman, Tiro. Ciclished patrician families. Despite this, he was he reached the office of consul He was one of Rome's greatest orators and saved the republic by uncovering the conspiracy of Cataline.

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What is the difference between engaging in a criminal conspiracy and aiding in a criminal conspiracy....Which is worse?

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