There are different types of catapults. Simple ones can be called catapults or onagers. Other types of siege, like the trebuchet, is a tall and long ranged version of a catapult. There is also a type which acts like a large crossbow, which of the name varies.
There were many types of catapult and other siege machines - and all were made locally to suit local requirements. There was no standard size for any type of catapult; some were made quite small so they could be mounted within a castle tower to shoot down at attackers, while others were huge.
Medieval spinsters spin and arnt educated in the work that they do
can someone please answer this question
A corset.
the word 'crusade' is from the Frankish (medieval french) term for 'taking the cross'
oak wood :)
Medieval catapult like siege weapon.
1734-1785 Medieval Period
The exact number of people it takes to make a medieval catapult. :-)
They were built in catapult factories.
The medieval army used a catapult to launch large stones at the enemy's castle walls.
God only knows. Soz!!
to throw big stones at enemies in medieval time.
The average medielval catapult was manned by four men, two to wind the rope taught, one for range finding and aiming, and the last man for loading and firing.
Why dont you name your catapult after a Roman or Greek God Eg: Kronos, Venus Or after a real catapult Eg: Big Bertha
sword, mace, bow, catapult, crossbow, javaline and cannon