The knights were originally the heavy cavalry. The word knight came to be a title, usually given by a monarch, and was regarded as the lowest level of the nobility.
A vassal was a person who had a relationship of mutual obligation with a lord. The vassal sword loyalty and obedience, and the lord granted land and protection in exchange.
A vassal could be a knight, and a knight could be a vassal, but there was nothing saying they had to be.
It goes:KingDuke/EarlCountMarquess (border areas)Barons-------------------nobility^KnightsPeasants/Mercenaries/SerfsIf you are below someone, then you are a vassal. Even a king can be a vassal. William I was king of England, but also a vassal to the king of France.
A vassal was paid for past services (mostly as a knight during the King's wars) with land. In return for getting the land, its title and its income he promised allegiance to the king (his "liege lord") and promised to support him in person and with his local men and supporters in wars to come. It's called the feudal system.
kupli. nangutana gani kita na noon ang patubagon. kupli.
The vassal has paid their monthly tribute.We submit ourselves to your empire as a vassal.
well, usually in the middle ages,cooks for knights or vassals were squires. a vassal is a knight that owned land from his lord. a squire is a knight in training.the job of a squire( age 12-16) is to serve his knight until he become one. they made meals for the knight, learned how to serve it, and also learned all the things that knights do.
Nothing. A knight could be a vassal to his liege lord. When a squire is knighted, the new knight must swear alligence to his lord. When a liege lord calls on his vassals in times of war, the vassal knights must come to fight for him.
A vassal was a person, and a fief was land. A vassal swore allegiance and support to a king, and the king gave the vassal fief to live on.
It was called the feudal system, a knight would promise the lord loyalty and protection in return for land which would make the knight a vassal. The vassal and his family now fought for the lord and they were always loyal.
It is true that a fief is the troops of knight that was granted to the vassal.
The agreement you are referring to is called "subinfeudation."
The agreement you are referring to is known as subinfeudation. In this arrangement, a knight (sub-vassal) would pledge loyalty and service to a vassal in exchange for receiving a portion of land to govern and protect. This system created a hierarchy of land ownership and military obligations within the feudal system.
The difference between a shogun and a samurai is like the difference between a king and a knight.
A knight would often be a vassal of a more powerful noble, or subsidiary to the noble in another way.A powerful noble could also hold a knighthood himself.
First, a noble would hand a bit of land called a fief to one of his most trusted being called a vassals in exchange for protection like a knight. The vassal must swear and oath that he will be loyal to his noble. A noble who gives a fief to a knight is called a lord. This vassal may hand a bit of land to another vassal, who we'll call vassal B and he shall swear an oath and so on. So one can be a lord and vassal.
A vassal was usually a knight that had been given land by his king or overlord. The vassel owed the lord time as a knight. If there was a war he had to give 2 months time, no war he gave time for training and duty to the estate.
A knight is...well a knight but a knave is a male servant. Two totally different things.