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because bologna was in love with cheese. and cheese had to make the cereal jellified every single day!

jk, they juror's job was to find out whether a person was innocent or guilty and send them before the judge! I WAS HELPFUL! YES!

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Q: What was the duty of a juror in the early days?
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What class is plebeians in?

Plebeian is a class of society. In the early days of the city it was the name for the common people. In the later republic the plebeians were still a class but they were part of the aristocracy.Plebeian is a class of society. In the early days of the city it was the name for the common people. In the later republic the plebeians were still a class but they were part of the aristocracy.Plebeian is a class of society. In the early days of the city it was the name for the common people. In the later republic the plebeians were still a class but they were part of the aristocracy.Plebeian is a class of society. In the early days of the city it was the name for the common people. In the later republic the plebeians were still a class but they were part of the aristocracy.Plebeian is a class of society. In the early days of the city it was the name for the common people. In the later republic the plebeians were still a class but they were part of the aristocracy.Plebeian is a class of society. In the early days of the city it was the name for the common people. In the later republic the plebeians were still a class but they were part of the aristocracy.Plebeian is a class of society. In the early days of the city it was the name for the common people. In the later republic the plebeians were still a class but they were part of the aristocracy.Plebeian is a class of society. In the early days of the city it was the name for the common people. In the later republic the plebeians were still a class but they were part of the aristocracy.Plebeian is a class of society. In the early days of the city it was the name for the common people. In the later republic the plebeians were still a class but they were part of the aristocracy.

What are 3 or more virtues most admired in early roman society?

duty, courage and determination, loyalty, humility Source: World History, The Human Odyssey Textbook, Jackson J Spielvogel

From Whom did the Romans adopt the seven-day week?

The judaic influence of the early Jewish Christians: "God" built the world in six days, then he rested.

What civilization did Rome inherit its culture religion and way of life?

The Romans did not inherit their culture, religion and way of life from anyone. They had their culture, religion and way of life right from the start. In the early days there was an influence by their Sabine and Etruscan neighbours. Greek influence was also present form the early days and increased from the 3rd century B.C. when Rome took over Tarentum, the biggest Greek city in mainland Italy.

Why is a centurion called a centurion if he only commands around 80 men?

It is thought that the title "centurion" originated from the voting assemblies of early Rome called the "centuria" and not from the Latin word "centum" meaning one hundred. However it is possible that in the early days a centurion actually did command 100 men, but the army was changed and reformed over the years and divided differently. But the army, being the army, still kept the old titles.It is thought that the title "centurion" originated from the voting assemblies of early Rome called the "centuria" and not from the Latin word "centum" meaning one hundred. However it is possible that in the early days a centurion actually did command 100 men, but the army was changed and reformed over the years and divided differently. But the army, being the army, still kept the old titles.It is thought that the title "centurion" originated from the voting assemblies of early Rome called the "centuria" and not from the Latin word "centum" meaning one hundred. However it is possible that in the early days a centurion actually did command 100 men, but the army was changed and reformed over the years and divided differently. But the army, being the army, still kept the old titles.It is thought that the title "centurion" originated from the voting assemblies of early Rome called the "centuria" and not from the Latin word "centum" meaning one hundred. However it is possible that in the early days a centurion actually did command 100 men, but the army was changed and reformed over the years and divided differently. But the army, being the army, still kept the old titles.It is thought that the title "centurion" originated from the voting assemblies of early Rome called the "centuria" and not from the Latin word "centum" meaning one hundred. However it is possible that in the early days a centurion actually did command 100 men, but the army was changed and reformed over the years and divided differently. But the army, being the army, still kept the old titles.It is thought that the title "centurion" originated from the voting assemblies of early Rome called the "centuria" and not from the Latin word "centum" meaning one hundred. However it is possible that in the early days a centurion actually did command 100 men, but the army was changed and reformed over the years and divided differently. But the army, being the army, still kept the old titles.It is thought that the title "centurion" originated from the voting assemblies of early Rome called the "centuria" and not from the Latin word "centum" meaning one hundred. However it is possible that in the early days a centurion actually did command 100 men, but the army was changed and reformed over the years and divided differently. But the army, being the army, still kept the old titles.It is thought that the title "centurion" originated from the voting assemblies of early Rome called the "centuria" and not from the Latin word "centum" meaning one hundred. However it is possible that in the early days a centurion actually did command 100 men, but the army was changed and reformed over the years and divided differently. But the army, being the army, still kept the old titles.It is thought that the title "centurion" originated from the voting assemblies of early Rome called the "centuria" and not from the Latin word "centum" meaning one hundred. However it is possible that in the early days a centurion actually did command 100 men, but the army was changed and reformed over the years and divided differently. But the army, being the army, still kept the old titles.

Related questions

Would it be more preferred being a grand juror or a trial juror?

Don't waorry about it. When/If you are called for jury duty you won't have any choice in the matter anyway.

Can you go to jail for not resonsing to juror duty?

No, if you are a nurse or doctor/surgeon you will not go to jail

What actors and actresses appeared in Boston Jury Duty - 2012?

The cast of Boston Jury Duty - 2012 includes: Luke Barats as Prosecutor Joe Bereta as Defense Attorney Kevin Brueck as Nazi Sympathizer Gina Ippolito as Pregnant Woman Bobby Jennings as Juror Clare Schmidt as Juror Amanda Tudesco as Juror

What happens when a juror is late to jury duty?

They are in contempt of court and/or could be fined or jailed at the discretion of the judge.

Why is juror 7 important to the play 12 anger men?

Juror 1, the foreman never seemed to get involved in the arguments. He is a representation of complete impartiality. When Juror 1 votes not guilty, it is a turning point, a sign that the evidence points to a not-guilty verdict.

Can a juror be suspended?

Yes, a juror can be removed or suspended from duty by a judge for reasons such as bias, misconduct, or failure to follow the court's instructions. The judge has the authority to replace a juror if necessary to ensure a fair trial.

Do soldiers have to do jury duty?

Absolutely, even though soldiers are exempt from many duties the job of being a juror is a civic duty that is demanded by the constitution for all civilians.

In Tennessee will a person with a felony record have to do jury duty?

They may be summoned for jury duty but when the fill out their juror questionnaire or at the time they may undergo Voire Dire they will, in all likliehood, be excused.

Is there such a thing as a permanent juror?

No, there is no such thing as a permanent juror in a legal system. Jurors are typically selected for a specific trial and are then discharged once the trial concludes. They may be called for jury duty multiple times throughout their lives, but they are not permanent jurors.

Can a juror that has a open criminal case serve on a criminal case?

No, they should not be able to do so. This is information that is specifically asked of every juror when they undergo Voire Dire prior to the jury selection process. Prospective jurors in such a situation are excused and dismissed from jury duty.

What is each person who serves on a jury called?


What actors and actresses appeared in The Verdict - 2007?

The cast of The Verdict - 2007 includes: Jeffrey Archer as Himself - Juror Megaman as Himself - Juror Honor Blackman as Herself - Juror Stan Collymore as Himself - Juror Jennifer Ellison as Herself - Juror Jacqueline Gold as Herself - Juror Alex James as Himself - Juror Dominic McVey as Himself - Juror Patsy Palmer as Herself - Juror Sara Payne as Herself - Juror Javone Prince as Damien Scott Ingrid Tarrant as Herself - Juror