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The brothers Tiberius and Gaius Graccus were not senators. They were plebeian tribunes. Tiberius and some 300 of his followers were clubbed to death by thugs hired by the Senate. His brother revived his reforms, but the senators incited a mob against him and his supporters and also hired mercenary archers. Thousands of supporters were arrested and executed. Gaius fled and was pursued. He then committed suicide. The reforms were shelved.

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Q: What was the fate of reform senators Tiberius or the Gracchus brothers?
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Tiberius and gaius gracchus were-?

The Tiberius Gracchus and the Gaius Gracchus, were the Roman brothers who tried to reform Rome's political and social structure so as to help the lower classes, in the 2nd century B.C.

How did the dealths of the Gracchus brothers change roman politics?

The killing of Tiberius Gracchus in an attack on him and his supporters and the suicide of his brother Gaius following an attack on his supporters marked the beginning of violence becoming a major factor in Roman politics. Both brothers, at different times, entered in conflict with the senate to press for an agrarian reform to redistribute land to the poor. Both times the senators attacked their opponents. The first time they hired thugs and 300 people were clubbed to death. The second time mercenary archers from Crete were hired and a mob was mobilised against the opponents. After the clash, 3,000 people were killed without trial. This was the beginning of the conflict between populares and optimates. The former was a political faction which championed the cause of the poor and wanted reforms to help them. The latter was a conservative political faction which stood for the interests of the aristocracy and opposed the reforms. Its power base was the senate. Violence often broke out between these two factions, which also fought civil wars against each other.

Which influential reform is attributed to Gaius Marius?

The influential reform that is attributed to Gaius Marius was the soldiers would be rewarded with a piece of land to settle on once their military service was finished.

Why were women prominent in the reform crusades of the early 19th century?

The reform crusades offered many middle-class women opportunities to escape the confines of home and enter public affairs.

Did roman kings have to contend with an assembly of nobles?

The senate was composed of patricians, the aristocrats. However, some historians think that some non-patricans also sat in the senate. The senate was the king's advisory body. There is no record of conflict between the senate and the king for the first four kings. The fifth king doubled the size of the senate and there may have been concerns among the senators as a distinction of rank was created between the old and new senators. However, the reform went ahead. The senate was said to have opposed the succession of the sixth king. This king drummed up popular support counter the senate and had himself elected as king by the popular assembly despite the opposition of the senate. He also made reforms which may have weakened the position of the senators. The seventh king seized power with a coup d' etat and was a tyrant. He turned against the senate because it could be a source of opposition and decimated the senators. His tyranny led to a rebellion which overthrew the monarchy and established the republic.

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Who is a roman patrician who was elected Tribune and wanted to distribute land to the poor?

Both of the Gracchus brothers, Gaius and Tiberius, tried to pass land reform.Both of the Gracchus brothers, Gaius and Tiberius, tried to pass land reform.Both of the Gracchus brothers, Gaius and Tiberius, tried to pass land reform.Both of the Gracchus brothers, Gaius and Tiberius, tried to pass land reform.Both of the Gracchus brothers, Gaius and Tiberius, tried to pass land reform.Both of the Gracchus brothers, Gaius and Tiberius, tried to pass land reform.Both of the Gracchus brothers, Gaius and Tiberius, tried to pass land reform.Both of the Gracchus brothers, Gaius and Tiberius, tried to pass land reform.Both of the Gracchus brothers, Gaius and Tiberius, tried to pass land reform.

Tiberius and gaius gracchus were-?

The Tiberius Gracchus and the Gaius Gracchus, were the Roman brothers who tried to reform Rome's political and social structure so as to help the lower classes, in the 2nd century B.C.

Who were the 2 brothers who tried to bring reform and restore small farms to the poor?

The Gracchi brothers: Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus.

Who were the 2 brothers who tried to bring reform to to Rome and restore small farms to the poor?

They were the Gracchi brothers: Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus.

Who were the two brothers who tried bring reform to Rome and restore small farms to the poor?

the two brothers are Tiberius and Gainus Gracchus

The main feature of the reform program of Tiberius Gracchus?

Tiberius Gracchus (163-133 B.C.E), an aristocrat who was elected tribune in 133 B.C.E. He proposed dividing public land among the poor, but a group of wealthy senators murdered him.

Who were the two brothers who tried to bring reform to roman and restore small farms to the poor?

The two brothers who worked to bring reforms to the early republic were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus.The two brothers who worked to bring reforms to the early republic were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus.The two brothers who worked to bring reforms to the early republic were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus.The two brothers who worked to bring reforms to the early republic were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus.The two brothers who worked to bring reforms to the early republic were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus.The two brothers who worked to bring reforms to the early republic were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus.The two brothers who worked to bring reforms to the early republic were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus.The two brothers who worked to bring reforms to the early republic were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus.The two brothers who worked to bring reforms to the early republic were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus.

Which brothers sought to bring property reform to the roman republic?

The brothers who tried to bring property reform to the republic were Gaius and Tiberius Gracchus. They are most commonly referred to in the plural as the Gracchi.

Who were two brothers who tried to bring reform to Rome and restore small farms to the poor?

the two brothers are Tiberius and Gainus Gracchus

Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus wanted to reform the Roman government by?

redistributing the land to the poor.

Why is Tiberius Gracchus important to the study of the Roman Empire?

Tiberius Gracchus(and his brother Gaius ten year later) led a struggle to address the plight of the poor. The Gracchi brothers were seen by some modern socialist to have been the first socialists in history. Tiberius Graccus tried implement a land reform that would redistribute land form the large landed estates of the patricians to address the economic plight of the poor. Peasants were being pushed off their farms by rich landowners who expanded their estates using slave labour. They migrated to Rome and lived in abject poverty due to a scarcity of work. They often had to rely on hand-outs by the by the rich by becoming their clients. The brothers tried to address this poverty by redistributing land to the displaced peasants. Tiberius was elected plebeian tribune in 133 BC. He pressed for a land reform by using an old law that limited the amount of land that could be owned any individual. He used another law to establish a commission to oversee the redistribution of land which was made up of himself, his brother Gaius and his father-in-law. The senators, even the liberal ones opposed this as were worried that their lands would be confiscated. They got other tribunes to oppose the reforms. Tiberius then appealed to the people. The senators threatened to prosecute Tiberius after the end of his term. Thus Tiberius stood for re-election. The senators obstructed this. Then several of them attacked him with the help of hired thugs. Tiberius and some 300 of his supporters clubbed to death.

What did Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus want to change?

The Gracchus brothers wanted land reform. They basically wanted public lands to be distributed to the poor, and not to be used by the wealthy.The Gracchus brothers wanted land reform. They basically wanted public lands to be distributed to the poor, and not to be used by the wealthy.The Gracchus brothers wanted land reform. They basically wanted public lands to be distributed to the poor, and not to be used by the wealthy.The Gracchus brothers wanted land reform. They basically wanted public lands to be distributed to the poor, and not to be used by the wealthy.The Gracchus brothers wanted land reform. They basically wanted public lands to be distributed to the poor, and not to be used by the wealthy.The Gracchus brothers wanted land reform. They basically wanted public lands to be distributed to the poor, and not to be used by the wealthy.The Gracchus brothers wanted land reform. They basically wanted public lands to be distributed to the poor, and not to be used by the wealthy.The Gracchus brothers wanted land reform. They basically wanted public lands to be distributed to the poor, and not to be used by the wealthy.The Gracchus brothers wanted land reform. They basically wanted public lands to be distributed to the poor, and not to be used by the wealthy.