The manciple was a purchaser of provisions, usually for a university.
They helped them
All catholics believed that the pope was sent from god, and that his word was law. People in middle ages based their whole lives around the church.
The same as it is now: a way to control people and keep them in check. They just got away with more back then.
They believed in it but they belived it was evil. the only magic that they beleived was good was the power of god and stuff like that.
Religion played a huge role in life in the Middle Ages, and they were beautiful and honored God. Also stained glass windows usually showed scenes from Bible stories etc.This was important as most people couldnt read but could understand the pictographic representations of the Bible stories & passages.
They were an important and respected class of people.
They were an important and respected class of people.
The Manor ade Feudalism possible
The middle ages was certainly the time when the Catholic church had the most influence over European society. From the decision making of monarchies, to the personal everyday lives of people, the teachings of the church played a significant role.
There were many uncommon roles for women during the Middle Ages. They include, but are not limited to:PriestsMonarchsSoldiersKnightsScholarsMillersSummonersPardonersParsonsSquiresFriarsReevesLawyersClerksMerchantsPhysiciansYeomenManciplesFranklinsSailorsMonks
to "toss my salad"
They helped them
nothing xb
It was called the code of chivalry.
The last name Ohler originated from Germany. In the Middle Ages, the Ohler family played a major role in the development of medieval Hessen society.
they ate fish and chips :D