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Clovis I

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Q: What was the name of the Merovingian ruler who traced his family tree to Meroveg?
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Who was the last ruler in Augustus family line?

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No Ruler. It was Otto Frank, Anne's father, who put himself and his family into hiding.

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How do you perform a ruler drop test?

Hold the ruler at head level with your arm stretched out. Make sure the ruler is vertical. Holding the ruler with your thumb and index finger at the end with the highest measurement.Ask one of your friends or family to catch the ruler with their fingers when you drop it.Get your friend or family member to put their thumb and index finger at the bottom of the ruler, slightly open. They should not be touching the ruler.Drop the ruler. Write down the measurement on the ruler where your friend's thumb caught it.Try this with the rest of your friends and record everyone's results.Now it's your turn! Ask one of your friends to hold the ruler whilst you catch it.

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I'm related to the Visconti's who ruled Milan... its my nan's family the last ruler was Filippo Maria Visconti, i know that he assasinated his brother Gian Maria Visconti

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The rulers immediate family would be related to him/her.

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