The influential reform that is attributed to Gaius Marius was the soldiers would be rewarded with a piece of land to settle on once their military service was finished.
The reform crusades offered many middle-class women opportunities to escape the confines of home and enter public affairs.
The innovations and reforms that occurred during the Renaissance changed life in Europe in many ways. Perhaps the most significant change was the general shift in focus from otherworldly to this-worldly perspectives in the arts, science, and much more besides: in short, Europeans became more humanistic.
The Tiberius Gracchus and the Gaius Gracchus, were the Roman brothers who tried to reform Rome's political and social structure so as to help the lower classes, in the 2nd century B.C.
The Romans issued their coins in gold, silver or bronze. Augustus's reform of 23 AD changed the metal of the as form bronze to copper. This was the only copper coin. You ask about a far too long period, 177 years. Currency values fluctuate all the time, so you cannot expect them to be the same over 177 years. Moreover, the Roman monetary system was reformed several times during this period. Some coins could be dropped and new one could be introduced and the value of coins was restructured. The reforms were: Reform of Caracalla, 215 AD Reform of Aurelian, 272-75 AD Reform of Dicletian, 300 AD Reform of Constantine, 310 AD The general trend was one of debasement (reduction in precious metal content of purity of metal)of the coins, which is similar to what we now call devaluation. If you as asking about the present day value of the coin, there are many factors that determine a coin's worth. Some of them are its condition, clarity of it's inscriptions, the metal content, and its age. Only a reputable coin dealer can give you a proper answer.
During the reign of Emperor Guangxu, the most two remarkable events were the Sino-Japanese War and the Wu Hsu Reform in 1898.
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
the emperor's decision to reform the government.
the emperor's decision to reform the government.
The main provisions enacted by the Health Insurance Reform bill introduced in 2013 are patient protection and affordable healthcare for all. This means that no patient will be denied care.
The pure food and drug act was enacted in 1906, making drug makers accountable to consumers. This occurred during the progressive era.
They both promoted reform and modernization
emperor guangxu's efforts to reform and modernize china failed because many qing officials saw these reforms as threats and placed guangxu under arrest effectively reversing his reforms.
The Taika Reform
Reform and modernization