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To inspire people to look upwards towards heaven

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Q: What was the purpose of such a large pointed arches and spires in Medieval European architecture?
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What was the purpose of the northwest passage?

The purpose of the northwest passage was for European explorers to find a way to Asia by going west. Many people believed that there was such a passage and hoped to find it.

What was the purpose of European's?

Expansion of European rule and power was a significant interest in the Age of Discovery. They mostly explored the New World in search of passages that were said to lead to Asia and the East Indies, its products, and some simply to find adventure. :)

Where did European explorers believe the Northwest Passage would take them?

European explorers believed that the Northwest Passage would take them to Asia and the Spice Islands for the purpose of setting up lucrative trade routes. They thought that this water route would be a more direct and faster route.

What was the role of a medieval Magistrate?

A magistrate was a sort of multi-purpose Sheriff who would collect tax and Census information, inforce the law, keep the peace and try and keep the people working so not to loose any time farming. They would also be a court judge and sentence people for their crimes.

What did cross mean in the medieval times?

The cross was primarily a religious symbol for Christianity, but it also had other significance. In many different forms it appeared in heraldry as a simple "charge" (design) on a shield, being a very conspicuous shape and therefore easy to identify at a distance (the whole purpose of medieval heraldry). The cross was also used on the reverse of silver pennies produced in England. The obverse carried the head of the reigning king, but the other side normally included a central cross in its design. This is often regarded as a religious symbol, but it had another purpose: the coin could be cut into halves or quarters along the arms of the cross to produce halfpennies (ha'pennies) and farthings. In the 12th century this was common practice since no smaller denomination coins existed. See links below for images:

Related questions

The arches and spires of medieval architecture were intended for what purpose?

to force ones eyes to look towards the heavens

What was the purpose of such architectural feature as large pointed and spires in medieval European architecture?

The stated purpose was to force one's eyes to look up towards the heavens. As a practical matter, the large pointed arches made it possible to build walls with large windows. This admitted more light to the building during daytime. It also reduced the weight of the wall, making it possible to use less stone in the supporting columns, making them narrower, and increasing the relative sizes of the entrances and the nave. The spires proclaimed the fact that there was a church or cathedral in that place, so it can be seen from a distance. They also provide a visual counterpoint to the arches themselves, and so worked visually well with the style.

What was the purpose of such architectural features as large pointed archers and spires in medieval European architecture?

The arches and spires of the medieval architecture were intended to force one's eyes to look toward the heavens. The spires in particular represent a finger pointing upward to God to indicate that he is in Heaven. The spires provided a constant reminder of that belief. Arches were an innovation of architecture to provide strength to the structure and provide additional light to inside of the building.

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The purpose of a system architecture is to create a formal system description and representation of the system, that is organized in a way that supports the reasoning and logic about the system.

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