The role of noblewomen was to marry people to benifit the family, help run the estate when the king or lord was away, and also to provide the king or lord with a son.
The feudal system was weakened because of the crusades.
The feudal system
The strengthening of the feudal system
yes it does and it did for many years during the middle ages. some thought manorialism worked even better, but the feudal system was very affective.
The role of noblewomen was to marry people to benifit the family, help run the estate when the king or lord was away, and also to provide the king or lord with a son.
The role of noble woman in the feudal system was to take the lords place when the lord was at war
He did not in his later life find the feudal system interesting and did not care about who owed what
the monarchs during the feudal system were the feudal lords they were excepted to keep protection for their vassals
During the Reformation, noblewomen influenced their husbands and relatives to accept the reformerâ??s actions and beliefs. Because of the status and power of noblewomen in the society, they are almost left unharmed.
The role of noble woman in the feudal system was to take the lords place when the lord was at war
The role of noble woman in the feudal system was to take the lords place when the lord was at war
They protected reformers.
No, there was no advantage to being a peasant. The feudal system was designed to benefit the upper classes, not the lower. People did not choose to be peasants, they were forced into that role.
William who? William Hung? He did absolutely nothing
managing the operation of the fief and pledging loyalty to the lord
No, the feudal system was a medieval system.