The beast fighters in the arena used spears to overcome their prey.
The beast fighters in the arena used spears to overcome their prey.
The beast fighters in the arena used spears to overcome their prey.
The beast fighters in the arena used spears to overcome their prey.
The beast fighters in the arena used spears to overcome their prey.
The beast fighters in the arena used spears to overcome their prey.
The beast fighters in the arena used spears to overcome their prey.
The beast fighters in the arena used spears to overcome their prey.
The beast fighters in the arena used spears to overcome their prey.
They were highly disciplined, with intelligent and effective commanders, were issued good quality equipment, and were well trained in the use of their equipment and effective combat formations and manoeuvres. The Romans also made a point of learning as much as they could about their enemies prior to engaging them in combat so they could take advantages of the enemies weaknesses and take contingencies against their strengths.Of course this was not always the case, most of the major defeats of the Roman army can be traced to failures of one or more of these factors.
Your question is a little vague. The Roman army had specialists in all areas. Some of them were engineers, architects, bookkeepers, accountants, armorers, blacksmiths, instructors in the various types of combat and the use of weapons, artillerymen, bowmen and slingers. Each division or compartment of a legion had its compliment of specialists in certain areas.
swords and guns and spears -------------------- The Roman Empire never used guns or any gun powder weapon since gun powder arrived in Europe when it was the Byzantine Empire. When the Empire was still named "Roman Empire" The Legionaries used -Gladius (Sword) -Pila (Javelin(used before charging)) -Pugio (dagger) -Plumbatae (darts) -Hatchet (the Centurion) Artillery -Ballistae -Scorpion ("like a successor of a Ballistae) -Onager (smaller catapult) They also had "Auxilias"who were not roman citizens, they used spears, swords (Nothing remarkable)
Ah, Boudicca was a fierce warrior queen who fought with bravery and determination. She and her followers used traditional Celtic weapons like swords, spears, and javelins to defend their land and people. Despite facing great challenges, Boudicca's strength and courage inspired many to stand up for what they believed in.
The roman army did not use nuclear weapons.
VAL Dive Bombers, KATE Torpedo Bombers, and ZERO Fighters.
The basic weapons of a Roman soldier ready for battle included three vital weapons. The soldier would have a short sword, a dagger and a spear.
bow and arrow hunting gun dagger spiked club
The wolf is a beast.
Yes, the Romans did use spears as one of their primary weapons in battle, along with swords and other weapons. Spears were commonly used by Roman soldiers for both thrusting and throwing at their enemies.
Use the apostrophe right after the letter s: fighters'
The Roman army was so successful because of their strict discipline, rigorous training, and their will to win. They also had the best equipment and the "high-tech" weapons of their time and they knew how to use them.
The ancient Roman armies used a variety of weapons in their battles with their opponents. Here are a number of them: * javelins or also called spears; * swords of various types; * catapults to throw rocks and burning oils into enemy fortresses and into enemy battle lines; and * protective armour and helmets, although not exactly "weapons" they were essential to fighting battles.
The lion that looked like a beast frightened me.
Use the beast as a weapon in battle and also feed it. The instructions for the game show you how to do this.
Use the beast as a weapon in battle and also feed it. The instructions for the game show you how to do this.