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Nero's best known failure was the fire that destroyed much of Rome in A.D. 64.

Nero killed his Mother, Agrippina, in A.D. 59.

Nero divorced his first wife, Octavia, and then had her killed so he could marry Poppaea Sabina (the former wife of a military officer). Nero would also have her killed a few years later.

Nero also had Roman senators killed because they questioned his actions.

So, as you can see, Nero wasn't a very compassionate, popular, or a wise ruler.

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11y ago

Two of Nero's failures were that he was elaborate in his spending and overly generous to those he liked. He also died before he could complete his canal projects (one across the isthmus of Corinth and another in Italy).

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13y ago

Nero was an evil man. He feared his mother had too much power so he had her killed. The first attempt was poison, but this did not work as his mother took some everyday and was immune. The second attempt was to collapse her ceiling, but it never collapsed. The third attempt was to drown her (sink her boat), but she swam ashore. The last attempt, stabbing, was a success. Other things he did include forcing people to attend his concerts, he was a terrible singer but he thought he was great. As the Romans grew to hate him, he committed suicide. He was a very vain man and his last words were "Oh, what an artist the world is losing."

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