If you mean classes by "ranks" they were the patrician, the plebeian, the equites, the freeborn, the freed, and the slaves. If you mean the military ranks, there were the common soldiers, the "miles" the centurions (eleven grades), the tribunes and the legates. If you mean political ranks, there were the aesiles, quaestors, tribunes, praetors and consuls.
No. In the Middle Ages many people did not have family names.
His full names was Gaius Julius Caesar.
Joseph, Joshua, Nathanial, Ezekiel and other names.
The names of the Montgolfier brothers are Joseph and Etienne.
Thy were common Latin praenomina -personal names. It sounds like you may be referring to Tiberius and Gaius Graccus. These were two brothers who as plebeian tribunes tried to introduce land reforms. Gaius also tried to fix grain prices to help the urban poor and to give citizen rights to Rome's Italic allies. They both were assassinated
their names were Henry Zimmerle and Riley Zimmerle. Henry fought on the North side and lived through the war, Riley fought on the South side but was killed during the war. the reason I know is because Henry was my great-great-great-grandfather.
his brothers names are * j.d and * costa
11 brothers of Yusuf's names
the rights didn't really get an award there were 2awards names after then "the master pilot award" (for 50 years for safe piloting ) and "wright brothers medal" (they made the plane)
Joe and Nick are the Koala Brothers names.
He has no brothers.
which brothers
2 of his brothers names are hermes and herccules
She has 2 brothers . Their names are Louis and Lagan.
He had no brothers