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Q: What word sounds like awl and completes a pun in julius caesar?
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Who invaded the lands of the roman empire?

Carthaginians, Gauls, Macedonians, Pontics, Parthians; <--BCEish Goths, Vandals, Huns, Franks, Saxons <--CEish And other Romans, like Julius Caesar.

How is Caesar high rank?

Well, I have been trying to find the answer of this as well. Caesar is sorta like an Emperor.......Constantine was A Caesar

When did Spain become part of the Roman Empire?

Southern Spain was conquered by the Romans during the Second Punic War which lasted from 218 to 201 BC; Northern Spain was conquered by Augustus in 19 BC.AnswerYes, Spain was invaded by the Romans in 218 BCE. While the Romans did control most of the peninsula, they also had many native allies (much like the Europeans during the colonization era) the Romans had also established Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, and many others. When the Roman Empire collapsed, emperor Justinian the 1st of Byzantium had a short-lived control of Hispania and gave it a new name, Spania.

What does Augustus Caesar mean?

Augustus was a title, bestowed on Octavian by the Roman senate. It has no direct translation to our language, but connoted "The Great One", "The Esteemed One", "The Honored One". It is usually given as "The Venerable One". Octavian, after Julius Caesar was assassinated for making himself dictator for life, knew to stay away from anything to do with kingship or permanent rule, and took the innocuous title of princeps (First Citizen) . The senate bestowed the honorary title of Augustus on him, which had religious, rather than political connotations. Octavian was the adoptive son and main heir of Gaius (first name) Julius (family name) Caesar, agnomen. Thus, he was a member of the Julian family (gens Julia). Caesar was the agnomen (nickname) of this branch of the Julian family. It was common to give nicknames to men. Caesar meant 'hairy' or fine head of hair. In fact, it was a joke nickname - the Romans did have a sense of humour. This the first man of this family branch was noted for his baldness , so his agnomen was the opposite of what he actually was, rather like today calling someone who is fat 'Slim', or someone with red hair Bluey. This then became the name of this branch of the Julian family.

Why did a group of senators assassinate Caesar?

Julius Caesar was born on the 12 July 100BC; he grew up in a time of unrest and conflict in Rome. When he was 55 years old on the 15th of March 44BC in the theatre of Pompey he was murdered. The suspected criminal who stabbed Caesar is thought to be Marcus Junius Brutus; although there are many different reasons why Julius Caesar was stabbed to death. One reason why many people believe Brutus Murdered Julius is because he refused to say where and what he was doing during the time of his death.Caesar was the dictator of the Roman Republic at the time, having recently been declared dictator perpetuo by the Senate. This declaration made several senators fear that Caesar wanted to overthrow the Senate in favour of tyranny. This essay will tell you all the reasons why the senate did murder Caesar. One factor is that the Senate thought Caesar wanted to be king and all powerful, the evidence for this is that 'He was happy to be treated like a God' and that 'From that time on Rumours spread that he wanted to be king'. Another reason was because the Senate thought he was too popular, the evidence for this is that 'Caesar was liked by all the other Generals and 'He led the Army on expeditions that no other General would even dare to consider'. Also 'He was their leader, their idol, the one they were aspired to please.' This links to the paragraph above because he was so popular that many people wanted him to be king. One other factor for his murder is that the Senate were afraid of his military power; the evidence for this is that 'He was undefeated in battle and that he was respected by the other entire Generals'. In addition to this, one of the army's brave men came forward and said 'He was the greatest warrior of all time, why would any soldier wish to have him dead? He was the bravest man I knew and I don't think that there's a braver man all over the world.' This links to the paragraph above because the senate were afraid of him due to the fact that most people loved him. The most important reason why the Senate murdered Julius Caesar was because Caesar ignored the wishes of the senate; the evidence to this is that 'They had never forgiven him for entering Rome against their wishes'. Also, Caesar ignored their wishes because some senators hated him. Furthermore, a young woman aged 27 stated 'I am so glad that he ignored the senate's wishes for him not entering Rome because if it wasn't for him the army would not have enough courage or hope to go any further. I couldn't thank him enough for being an amazing General and he will be sorely missed over all of Rome.' Just before Caesar went to the Senate his wife warned him and asked him not to go but he refused not to go, she said this 'You mustn't go! I fear that something bad is going to happen, I sense a death will occur tonight! Please don't go, I'm begging you'. In conclusion to this I think that Julius Caesar did not deserve to die as he has achieved so many marvellous things for Rome and taken over so many countries, but the main reason I think he was murdered is because the Senators were Jealous of him and his control and Power over the army. The senators wanted all of his power so that they could have full control over all of the Republic of Rome.

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What Shakespeare play features Octavius and Cassius?

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What abnormal electrical discharge of neurons disease did Julius Caesar and napoleon suffer from?

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What do Julius Caesar and Caesar Augustus have in common?

Julius Caesar is the uncle of Augustus Caesar and later adopted son and heir.Octavian, the man who would become Augustus, was Julius Caesar's great nephew. He was the son of Caesar's niece, Atia, who was the daughter of Caesar's sister, Julia. Making Octavian more popular among the supporters of the slain Julius Caesar was the fact that Julius Caesar adopted Octavian as his son.

What is antonys response to Caesar's instructions in act 1 scene 2 of Julius Caesar?

His response to Julius Caesar was .. would you like a Caesar salad ? :)

Was Julius Caesar the only dictater?

Julius Caesar was not the only dictator. Like Castro and Adolf Hitler

Which names in the Hunger Games refer to ancient Rome?

Well there's Caesar like Julius Caesar, Cinna like Cinna the poet or on of the conspirators who killed Caesar, Octavia from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Cato like Cato the elder, there's also a Brutus and Portia form Julius Caesar play.

How did Julius Caesar live?

like an emperor

Did the plabeians like Julius Cesar?

The common people were Julius Caesar's most ardent supporters. Caesar was known as a populist. They were the one who began the rioting at Caesar's funeral.

He doth bestride narrow world like a colossus?

Julius Caesar. The quote is from Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" I.2.135. Cassius conversation with Brutus.

What did Julius Caesar act like?

Towards the end of his life, Julius Caesar began acting too much like a king to suit many people.Towards the end of his life, Julius Caesar began acting too much like a king to suit many people.Towards the end of his life, Julius Caesar began acting too much like a king to suit many people.Towards the end of his life, Julius Caesar began acting too much like a king to suit many people.Towards the end of his life, Julius Caesar began acting too much like a king to suit many people.Towards the end of his life, Julius Caesar began acting too much like a king to suit many people.Towards the end of his life, Julius Caesar began acting too much like a king to suit many people.Towards the end of his life, Julius Caesar began acting too much like a king to suit many people.Towards the end of his life, Julius Caesar began acting too much like a king to suit many people.

Who were Julius and Augustus Caesar?

Edit: That is false. Julius Caesar was ruler of Rome for a time until he was assassinated by a group of sentators. Octavian, the Grandnephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar, was his heir and once Octavian was appointed emperor of Rome, he changed his name to Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus, or Augustus Caesar. Julius Caesar is not a emperor, he was a dictator,but every roman emperorkept the name "Caesar" as part as their titles. And Augustus Caesar was a poor dude, who lost his own father, who is a farmer. And he gets adopted by a great guy Julius Caesar, but Julius get murdered by the senaters and people, because he acted too much like a king...

What was Julius Caesar's reasons for murder?

I don't believe that Julius Caesar ever murdered anyone. If your question is about the reasons for Julius Caesar's murder, it was because he had accumulated too much power and was acting arrogant and king-like, undermining the principles of the republic.I don't believe that Julius Caesar ever murdered anyone. If your question is about the reasons for Julius Caesar's murder, it was because he had accumulated too much power and was acting arrogant and king-like, undermining the principles of the republic.I don't believe that Julius Caesar ever murdered anyone. If your question is about the reasons for Julius Caesar's murder, it was because he had accumulated too much power and was acting arrogant and king-like, undermining the principles of the republic.I don't believe that Julius Caesar ever murdered anyone. If your question is about the reasons for Julius Caesar's murder, it was because he had accumulated too much power and was acting arrogant and king-like, undermining the principles of the republic.I don't believe that Julius Caesar ever murdered anyone. If your question is about the reasons for Julius Caesar's murder, it was because he had accumulated too much power and was acting arrogant and king-like, undermining the principles of the republic.I don't believe that Julius Caesar ever murdered anyone. If your question is about the reasons for Julius Caesar's murder, it was because he had accumulated too much power and was acting arrogant and king-like, undermining the principles of the republic.I don't believe that Julius Caesar ever murdered anyone. If your question is about the reasons for Julius Caesar's murder, it was because he had accumulated too much power and was acting arrogant and king-like, undermining the principles of the republic.I don't believe that Julius Caesar ever murdered anyone. If your question is about the reasons for Julius Caesar's murder, it was because he had accumulated too much power and was acting arrogant and king-like, undermining the principles of the republic.I don't believe that Julius Caesar ever murdered anyone. If your question is about the reasons for Julius Caesar's murder, it was because he had accumulated too much power and was acting arrogant and king-like, undermining the principles of the republic.