Justinian I assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian I assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian I assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian I assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian I assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian I assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian I assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian I assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian I assumed the throne in 527 CE.
Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.
"King of the Romans" (upon election to the throne) "Emperor of the Romans" (upon being crowned by the pope) or "Holy Roman Emperor" (a modern term for the monarch of the Holy Roman Empire)
In 51 B.C., Queen Cleopatra V11 was the last Macedonian to rule over Egypt. She shared the throne with some other members of her family until Egypt was conquered by the Romans. Egypt became part of the Roman Empire in 31 B.C..
Nero was the Roman emperor in 57 AD.Nero was the Roman emperor in 57 AD.Nero was the Roman emperor in 57 AD.Nero was the Roman emperor in 57 AD.Nero was the Roman emperor in 57 AD.Nero was the Roman emperor in 57 AD.Nero was the Roman emperor in 57 AD.Nero was the Roman emperor in 57 AD.Nero was the Roman emperor in 57 AD.
Didus Julianus was declared an enemy of the state by the senate and executed in 193.
Marcus Didius Severus Julianus, born in the year 133 AD in Milan (Italy), was the twentieth Emperor for a total of nine weeks of the Roman Empire. He has been killed by one of its soldiers in the year 193 AD.
Septimius Severus, who reigned from 193 to 211; he took the office by force from Didius Julianus, who bought it at auction from the Praetorian Guard, to bring order to Rome after there had been two emperors in a row chosen by the Praetorian Guard -- one of those emperors in turn murdered by the same Guard.
The last of the five emperors, Marcus Aurelius, was succeeded by his son, Commodus, who was the most cruel emperor the Romans ever had. He was murdered by the praetorian (imperial) guards. He was succeeded by Pertinax, the prefect of the city, who was murdered by the praetorian guards after three months because he tried to impose discipline on them. The praetorian guards then auctioned off the imperial title. Didius Julianus, a senator, won and became emperor. The people of Rome demonstrated against Didius Julianus and called for Pescennius Niger, the governor of the Roman province of Syria, to come to Rome and claim the imperial title. The senate sentenced Didius Julianus to death. Septimius Severus, the commander of the legions in Pannonia (in south-eastern Europe) took Rome without encountering opposition, executed the murderers of Pertinax and dismissed the rest of the praetorian guard and replaced it with his own troops. He also made an alliance with Clodius Albinus, the governor Roman province of Britannia, while Niger was consolidating support in the east. Septimius Severus marched on Syria, defeated Niger and then suppressed his supporters in Iraq. He declared his son Caracalla his heir. Albinus was proclaimed emperor by the legions of Britannia and rebelled against Severus. The forces of the two men clashed in Gaul. Severus defeated and killed Albinus. He secured power and established the Severan dynasty. This period of civil war lasted from 193 to 197.
Julien is the French spelling of a Latin name Julianus (which also gives English the spelling Julian), which was the name of a Roman emperor (whose full name was Flavius Claudius Julianus).
Cicero 106 - 43 BCE Emperor Julianus 331 - 363 CE
No Roman emperor helped Cleopatra keep her throne. Cleopatra reigned before there were emperors. Julius Caesar established her on the throne after she had been ousted, but he was not an emperor.
There was not a region of the five emperors. There was what historians have called the Year of the Five Emperors. After the emperor Commodus was assassinated, five men fought for the title on emperor and four of them were deposed. The five men were Pertinax, Didius Julianus, Pescennius Niger, Clodius Albinus and Septimius Severus. Septimius Severus was the man who managed to hold on to power and founded the Severan dynasty which lasted from 193 to 235 and had five emperors. Since all this happened within a year, it did not affect the prosperity of the empire.
Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.Justinian assumed the throne in 527 CE.
It was said that the goddess Hestia (Vesta in Roman mythology) gave up her throne to Dionysus.
The Roman Emperor Augustus.