Istanbul. Emperor Constantine made it the capital in about 330. It was at first called New Rome and later Byzantium. For many centuries it was also called Constantinople.
The last capital of the western part of the Roman Empire was Ravenna. It replaced Milan as the capital on 402.
The Emperor Constantine the Great (also known as Constantine I) moved the capital of the old Roman Empire to the Ancient Greek city in the East called Byzantium, and renamed this city as "Constantinople - the New Rome" in the year 330 AD. Constantinople remained the capital of the New Roman (or Eastern Roman) Empire until the year 1453 AD.
Well, there were many. The most famous one is of course Rome, which was the capital until the fourth century, then for the whole fourth century Milan was the new capital, followed by Ravenna in 402 AD, and so on.
Byzantium, renamed Constantinople.
The capital of the Roman Empire was Rome until 284. In that year the emperor Diocletian created a co-emperorship with himself in charge of the eastern part of the empire and Maximian in charge of the western part. He also designated also an imperial capital for the eastern part of the empire, which was Nicomedia (in northwestern Turkey), and an imperial capital for the western part, which was Milan (in northern Italy). The emperor Constantine I moved the capital of the eastern part to the nearby Byzantium, which he renamed Constantinople (present day Istanbul). The capital of the western part was moved to Ravenna (also in northern Italy) in 402.
It was the capital of Eastern Roman Empire, which was later called by the historians Byzantine Empire to differentiate it from the Roman Empire. Constantinople was named by the Roman emperor Constantine the First after himself but there was already a city at that location called "Byzantium". However, the people living there just usually called their city "Istanbul", which means "in this city". Today, the city is officially called Istanbul. It is the largest and most famous city of Turkey and was the capital city of the Ottoman empire until the foundation of the Turkish republic in 1922. The capital was then moved to Ankara.
It was the city of Rome, the capital.
The capital of the Roman empire was Rome and later Ravinia, in the West. In the East it was Constantinople.
Rome is the capital city of Italy.
Vatican City in Italy
The Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantium, capital city - Constantinople (nowadays - Istambul).
Constantinople was the capital city of the Eastern Roman Empire, named so after Constantine the Great. It was not an empire.
The Roman empire was centered on Italy and its capital city of Rome.
The last capital of the western part of the Roman Empire was Ravenna. It replaced Milan as the capital on 402.
Constantinople was the capital of the Byzantine/Eastern Empire. It wasn't the capital of the whole empire, but it was a major city for sure.
Rome, I think. I'm not sure if it's a country though...Rome is/was a city. There was no country that was the capital of the Roman empire, it was a city and the city's name is Rome. A country cannot be a capital of anything, it must have a capital itself.
No, Rome was the capital of the roman empire