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Christianity was legalized in the Roman Empire, and was made the official state religion in 380 by Theodosius (the last ruler of the combined Roman Empire). Here's the thing though - that doesn't mean the majority of people followed it.

The truth is that many people would have desired to hang on to their religious roots in the "old gods". However, when it was made the state religion it would have become illegal to not be a Christian. From 380 on Rome was the center of Christianity in the west, so by far the most likely answer is that Nicene Christianity was the dominant religion.

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Christianity was the last "official" religion of the roman empire from about 380 CE until the empire fell (around 475 CE). Before Christianity ruled the empire, the Hellenistic religion dominated, and Christians were punished for their beliefs. After Christianity became the official religion many people who still practiced the Hellenistic religion were persecuted.

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Q: Which religion was dominant at the end of the Roman Empire?
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