The majority of people had freedom of worship for the most of the Roman Empire. However certain sects were banned due to either their immorality or their being advocates of treason. It was the emperor Constantine who made all religions legal and gave everyone freedom of worship by imperial decree, which was known as the Edict of Milan.
The majority of people had freedom of worship for the most of the Roman empire. However certain sects were banned due to either their immorality or their being advocates of treason. It was the emperor Constantine who made all religions legal and gave everyone freedom of worship by imperial decree, which was known as the Edict of Milan.
The majority of people had freedom of worship for the most of the Roman empire. However certain sects were banned due to either their immorality or their being advocates of treason. It was the emperor Constantine who made all religions legal and gave everyone freedom of worship by imperial decree, which was known as the Edict of Milan.
The majority of people had freedom of worship for the most of the Roman empire. However certain sects were banned due to either their immorality or their being advocates of treason. It was the emperor Constantine who made all religions legal and gave everyone freedom of worship by imperial decree, which was known as the Edict of Milan.
The majority of people had freedom of worship for the most of the Roman empire. However certain sects were banned due to either their immorality or their being advocates of treason. It was the emperor Constantine who made all religions legal and gave everyone freedom of worship by imperial decree, which was known as the Edict of Milan.
The majority of people had freedom of worship for the most of the Roman empire. However certain sects were banned due to either their immorality or their being advocates of treason. It was the emperor Constantine who made all religions legal and gave everyone freedom of worship by imperial decree, which was known as the Edict of Milan.
The majority of people had freedom of worship for the most of the Roman empire. However certain sects were banned due to either their immorality or their being advocates of treason. It was the emperor Constantine who made all religions legal and gave everyone freedom of worship by imperial decree, which was known as the Edict of Milan.
The majority of people had freedom of worship for the most of the Roman empire. However certain sects were banned due to either their immorality or their being advocates of treason. It was the emperor Constantine who made all religions legal and gave everyone freedom of worship by imperial decree, which was known as the Edict of Milan.
The majority of people had freedom of worship for the most of the Roman empire. However certain sects were banned due to either their immorality or their being advocates of treason. It was the emperor Constantine who made all religions legal and gave everyone freedom of worship by imperial decree, which was known as the Edict of Milan.
The majority of people had freedom of worship for the most of the Roman empire. However certain sects were banned due to either their immorality or their being advocates of treason. It was the emperor Constantine who made all religions legal and gave everyone freedom of worship by imperial decree, which was known as the Edict of Milan.
Nero was the emperor who fed to the lions, burned alive, and crucified Christians of the early church. He was also emperor when Rome burned to the ground.
Zeno was the emperor of the eastern part of the Roman Empire whose religion was Orthodox Christianity.
Caesar Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus(he has a long name), the first Christian Emperor of Rome, brought relief to Christians by reversing the persecutions of his predecessor, Diocletian, and issued (with his co-emperor Licinius) the Edict of Milan in 313, which proclaimed religious tolerance throughout the empire.
He is an emperor who was cruel on his actions and killed a lot of Christians...
he wrote about wanting to have a baby with the emperor
The Edict of Milan in 313 AD, issued by Emperor Constantine and co-emperor Licinius, was instrumental in allowing Christians to openly practice their religion in the Roman Empire. This edict granted religious freedom to Christians and ended the persecution of Christians that had been taking place.
Constantine was the emperor who enacted a law giving religious freedom to the Christians.
The Edict of Milan in A.D. 313 by Emperor Constantine gave Christians their freedom to practice their religion.
Constantine was the first emperor to *accept* Christianity but he did *not* make it the official religion of the Roman Empire. Constantine did put a stop to Christian persecution, returned Christian property from pagans and reduced support for pagan religion.On February 27 380 Theodosius I "... declared "Catholic Christianity" the only legitimate imperial religion, ending state support for the traditional Roman religion."This was over 40 years after Constantine had died.Christian persecutions still continued - those following other variants of it.
Probably the Jews and the Christians.
The Roman Emperor Nero was raised in the Roman pagan religion, but he eventually turned against it and persecuted Christians in the Roman Empire.
No, from the rule of the emperor Constantine, all Romans were Christians (Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire).
Emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion of Rome. Correction. Constantine made Christianity a legalreligion. He did not make it the official religion. Christianity was made the official religion by emperor Theodosius in 380.
At the time of the Romans, Christianity was no more than a sect of Judaism. As with all non-Roman religions, they were tolerated provided they didn't cause trouble (which they did). This led to both the normal Jewish group and the Christians being expelled from the city.
Christianity became the official state religion under Theodosius I in 380 AD. Many people erroneously think that the emperor Constantine made it the official religion, but this is incorrect. Constantine only made it a legal religion which meant that Christians were no longer outlaws and were free to practice their faith.
Constantine, he made Christianity the official religion of Rome.
The first emperor to decree that Christianity should be tolerated and that Christians had the right to practice their religion was Galienus in an edict he issued in 311. Co-emperors Constantine I and Licinius agreed, when they met in Milan in 313, to reiterate the Christians' right to profess their religion without prosecution and added a provision for the return the land confiscated from Christians during Diocletian's persecutions and the payment of compensation. This is often called the Edict of Milan, but it is not clear whether a formal edict was actually issued.