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English common law had the greatest influence on American law. Remember, America was founded by Englishmen, who, even though they had a respect for ancient governments, were heavily influenced by the laws of their own time.

English common law had the greatest influence on American law. Remember, America was founded by Englishmen, who, even though they had a respect for ancient governments, were heavily influenced by the laws of their own time.

English common law had the greatest influence on American law. Remember, America was founded by Englishmen, who, even though they had a respect for ancient governments, were heavily influenced by the laws of their own time.

English common law had the greatest influence on American law. Remember, America was founded by Englishmen, who, even though they had a respect for ancient governments, were heavily influenced by the laws of their own time.

English common law had the greatest influence on American law. Remember, America was founded by Englishmen, who, even though they had a respect for ancient governments, were heavily influenced by the laws of their own time.

English common law had the greatest influence on American law. Remember, America was founded by Englishmen, who, even though they had a respect for ancient governments, were heavily influenced by the laws of their own time.

English common law had the greatest influence on American law. Remember, America was founded by Englishmen, who, even though they had a respect for ancient governments, were heavily influenced by the laws of their own time.

English common law had the greatest influence on American law. Remember, America was founded by Englishmen, who, even though they had a respect for ancient governments, were heavily influenced by the laws of their own time.

English common law had the greatest influence on American law. Remember, America was founded by Englishmen, who, even though they had a respect for ancient governments, were heavily influenced by the laws of their own time.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

English common law had the greatest influence on American law. Remember, America was founded by Englishmen, who, even though they had a respect for ancient governments, were heavily influenced by the laws of their own time.

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Continue Learning about History of Western Civilization

How did the roman empire lose its influence?

it never did. we still use so many things from the roman empire. take our government for example. the representative democracy originally came from the Romans, that's where we got it from. their system or writing and language also has influenced America very much

How does culture influence child rearing?

Religion helps us form our values system and ethics. What we believe is our purpose in life influences how we live, and how we relate to each other.

What does medieval society have that modern society doesn't?

well, they used to pee in buckets and throw it out the window. now they just go in the alley.

What were some of the longlasting achievements of Charlemagne and Napoleon?

Charlemagne was the franks' greatest ruler. Charlemagne did much to strengthen government and improve education and the arts in Europe, Napoleon was a brilliant general who took power and conquered the French as he gained control he took the title As emporer and conquered most of Europe, built new roads throughout France, reformed the France educational system And established the metric system or measurement

How have the ideas of Greek Democracy and Roman Republic influenced todays world?

Ancient Greece and Rome both influenced the democratic development of England and America; even more largely, western civilization as a whole. The invention of democracy by various Greek city-states was one key contribution of Greece, while the republican government of Rome, along with Roman implementation of an extensive legal system, provided another set of powerful influences.

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