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The Romans invaded many countries. As far as the British Isles were concerned the new Emperor Claudius ordered an invasion in 43 AD. 40,000 Roman troops landed in Kent and occupied the southern part of what we now call England.

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14y ago

The date for the Roman invasion of Britain is hazy. Julius Caesar's first invasion was in 55 BC, but he had to withdraw. Claudius "conquered" Britain in 43 AD. However between these two dates there certainly was contact between the Brits and Romans and there was a strong military presence there before Claudius arrived. Vespasian and his Second Agusta were instrumental in securing the country for Rome.

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Please be more specific. The Romans made lots of invasions, at lots of places, at lots of different dates.

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Q: Which year did the Romans invade Britain?
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What year did the Romans successively invade Britain?

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Did the Romans invade Britain in the 4th century?

No, they did not. Sorry

How long did the Roman invade Britain?

Romans occupied Britain from AD43 to AD410

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Caledonia's and Celtic peoples

What year did the Romans invade?

55 bc

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Germany did not invade Britain in WW2. Britain has not been invaded for a thousand years.

How many times has Britain been invaded and by whom?

700/600 BC The Celts invade. 43BC Emperor Claduis invades (Romans) 450 The Anglo-Saxons invade 410 The Romans leave 793 The Vikings invade. 1066 The Normans invade 1688 By the Dutch So Britain has been invaded 6 times.

What date did the Romans invade Britain concluding statement?

The invasion has always been recorded as AD43 but in 2005 new archaeological finds show evidence of Romans already in Britain 50 years previous, but did not actually invade then. It is believed the Romans were welcomed by the ancient Britons; seen as liberators who helped overthrow tyrant tribal kings.

Why did Romans invade Britain and why did they leave their own countries?

To create an Empire with its centre being at Rome.

How long ago did the Romans invade?

From the date of the "invasion" of Claudius in 43 AD to the present, it would be 1,967 years ago that the Romans invaded Britain. But this is the official date. The Romans had a presence in Britain long before Claudius.