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Answer The Mayans were the first to develope the calendar. Since then other tribes and groups of people have used it as a way of keeping up with the days, week, month and year. It has changed quite a bit too. Now into the modern calendar we use today. Hope I helped.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

The ancient Egyptians first divided the year on this pattern, around 6000 years ago, based on the observations of their priests. They derived the number from the same golden section which gave us the duodecahedron, and which they believed was the Earthly representation of the Heavens. That is why there are two lots of 12 hours in a day, and why minutes and seconds are all 12 based.

The Mayan people made the calender. There is a movie about it called 2012. Supposedly this is when the Mayan calender ended soa common theory says that the Mayan predicted that is when the world would end.
The calendar was created for the same reason we use it today, to keep track of dates and holidays.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

It is believed to have been created by Romulus, the founder of Rome. Several different forms of it evolved during the 700 years it was in use before it was finally reformed by Julius Caesar into the Julian calendar, which is extremely similar to, but less accurate than, the Gregorian calendar we use today. The original Roman calendar's founder is unknown as it was a date calculating system that was traditional. The calendar that we know today as the Roman calendar, the Julian Calendar, was reorganized by Julius Caesar.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

it was either the Mayan India tribe or th Aztec

It can never be known who or what race made the first calendar.

They certainly pre-date written history. Perhaps a simple mark on a bone to indicate the passing of the days or months.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Dr. Aloysious Lilius proposed it and Pope Gregory VIII decreed it. It is named the Gregorian calendar after the Pope.

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What did Agustus Caesar invent?

My teacher said that he invented the calendar. He used his name Julius as July and Octiavan as October and Augustus as August. He sounded pretty clever didn't he! Well I hope my answer helps!!!

Who developed the modern calendar?

The calendar was technically first invented by the Ancient Egyptians.

Who invented the calendar of 365 days?

Julius Caesar is credited with changing the Roman calendar from 355 days to 365 days and for adding leap year days every few years (and for changing the name of Quintilis to July in honor of himself).

Who invent the calendar?

Historians do not know who or when mankind invented the first calendar, probably early man when he first carved a notch into a stick or a bone which marked the passing of each full moon. Notched bones used to record moon phases have been found in Africa and Europe dating back to about 20,500 BC. There are many different calendars invented by different cultures to suit their needs. The mayans created a calender, but I believe the calendar we use is based off of the Romans. Some also believe that the Sumerians invented the 12-month calendar.

What months do we still use in today's calendar from the Roman calendar by Caesar?

All of the English month names are based on the Latin names of the Roman months. The calendar we use is the Gregorian calendar. It derives its name from Pope Gregory XIII who introduced some minor modifications to the Julian calendar in the 16th century. This means that we use a slightly modified version of the calendar introduced by Julius Caesar.

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When and by who was the 365 day calendar invented?

The calendar we use was invented/made by the Romans in about 46 AD. August is named after Julius Caesar from his death while some the months and days come from Roman gods.

What is the Roman calendar?

the roman calendar was made by Julius Caesar.

Who invented the Christian calendar?

ExiguusAnswerThe Roman abbot Dionysus Exiguus devised the Christian calendar in 533. However, Exiguus' calendar was largely ignored until Bede (672/3-735) popularised it.

What was calendar before Julian calendar?

the Roman calendar

Who invented the Lunar Calendar?

George Washington invented the lunar calendar

Is the Roman German calendar correct?

There was an old Germanic calendar, but it was different to the Roman calendar, which is now used. The Germanic calendar no longer is used.

Who invented the celendar?

The name of the person that invented the first calendar is not known. The first calendar was invented in Scotland.

Does the US use the Roman calendar or the Gregorian calendar?

The Gregorian calendar.

Who made the 12 month calendar?

The 12-month calendar used today is based on the Gregorian calendar introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. It replaced the Julian calendar, which had been used since Roman times.

What kind of calendar did the sumerians make?

the roman calendar

Is the roman calendar the same as the Julian calendar?

he Roman calendar has the same months and month lengths as the Julian calendar, but inserts leap days according to a different rule

What is December on the roman calendar?

December was once the 10th and final month of the year on the early Roman calendar.