Charles martel was also knew as Charles the hammer he was a great leader
^ that did not answer the question. Charles Martel's grandson was Charlemagne.
grandson of Genghis Khan and ruled the Mongol Empire
NOOO!!!Charles Martel is the grandfather of Charlemagne."Martel" means Hammer because Charles Martel stopped Muslims from expanding in the Battle of Tours. He never became emperor.His grandson, Charlemagne centralized the Germanic peoples by traveling a lot to ensure his control and also setting up a system with counts (local rulers) and missi dominici to check on the counts.He was crowned emperor by Pope Leo 2 after fighting off the Lombards (barbarians). He helped spread Christianity by becoming one. (ex: Saxons forced to convert to Christianity since Charlemagne defeated them)
There was no Charles 1 that ever ruled the Holy Roman Empire. There was a Charles the Great, King of the Franks, Charles the Bald, Charles the Fat, Charles IV of Luxembourg and Charles V that had the title but never a Charles 1.
He was Charles martels grandson also named Charles -became king of the Franks
The Martels ended in 1969.
The Martels was created in 1957.
No, Stewart Kittredge Collins is not Charles Howard's grandson. Charles Howard was the grandfather of Brooke Astor, not Stewart Kittredge Collins.
Charles Darwin
Martel stands for Hammer. Charles Martels' nickname was "The Hammer" thus, Martel
Edward Babbage
He is the queen's grandson. He is the son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth II's son.
The actor ,Skandar Keynes ( Edmund) in The chronicles of Narnia is the great great great grandson of Charles Darwin.
Historian Sir Edward Creasy, said "the great victory won by Charles Martel ... gave a decisive check to the career of Arab conquest in Western Europe, rescued Christendom from Islam, [and] preserved the relics of ancient and the germs of modern civilization."
Yes, Charles Dickens has American descendants. His great-great-grandson, the author Lucinda Hawksley, is an American citizen.