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Palatine is a hill that Rome was founded on.

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Where is the Palatine Historical Society in Palatine Illinois located?

The address of the Palatine Historical Society is: Po Box 134, Palatine, IL 60078-6007

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The address of the Palatine Public Library District is: 700 North North Court, Palatine, 60067 8158

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The web address of the Palatine Historical Society is:

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The address of the Palatine Public Library District Bookmobile is: 700 North North Court, Palatine, 60067 8158

What does palatine mean?

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Is pterygopalatine fossa adjacent to maxilla or to palatine?

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When was Palatine Church created?

Palatine Church was created in 1770.

When was Palatine Guard created?

Palatine Guard was created in 1850.