It is not known. Chariot Racing there started so early in history that there is not a record of the first races.
The Circus Maximus was important to the Romans because it was the racing track for chariot races. The chariot races, together with the gladiatorial games, were the most popular form of entertainment.
There is not a precise date. The fifth king of Rome, Tarquinius Priscus, who was said to have ruled from 616 to 579 BC, was said to have built some seating for the aristocracy. It was just the start of its development and the seating covered only a small part of the track. The development of the Circus Maximus took place over several centuries. The seating was completed to cover most of the track in the 40s BC by Julius Caesar. Monumental additions to it were made by Augustus (ruled 27 BC to 14 AD). Despite the wooden seating being the cause of many fires, it was replaced by stone seating in the time of Trajan (ruled 98 to 117 BC).
The first person was human.
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The last Roman chariot race took place in 549 CE at the Circus Maximus. Chariot racing was very popular and got audiences enthused whenever they were staged. However, they were extremely dangerous as well. As very popular sports sometimes do, the sport transcended the arena, and carried over into the public lives of the fans.
The Circus Maximus was an ongoing project, with every important ruler adding to it. The first Etruscan king, Tarquiniuis Priscus is credited with building the first one.
The Circus Maximus was said to have first been developed by Tarquinius Priscus, the 5th king who was said to have ruled 613-579. He built some seating for the aristocracy. This was the beginning of its development, which evolved over several centuries
The Circus Maximus was important to the Romans because it was the racing track for chariot races. The chariot races, together with the gladiatorial games, were the most popular form of entertainment.
The Circus Maximus was created by the first king of Rome, Tarquin Priscus. He made it to celebrate victory games over the Latins. These celebrations became known as the "Ludi Romani" or Roman Games.
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The Romans absorbed chariot racing from the Etruscans and quite possibly from the Greeks in southern Italy. Those two ethnic groups are known to have had chariot races and it was the first Tarquin king of Rome (who was said to be Etruscan although this is being questioned) established the outline for the Circus Maximus. Where/when the races actually began before the Romans participated is shrouded in time.
The Circus Maximus (Latin for great or large circus, in Italian Circo Massimo) is an ancient Roman chariot racing stadium and mass entertainment venue located in Rome.
According to Roman tradition the first seating of the Circus Maximus was built in the late 7th century BC or early 6th century BC be Tarquinius Priscus, the 5th king of Rome who ruled from 616 BC ti 579 BC.
The circus is a very popular entertainment and still is today but has much changed from animals in cages and elephants performing to acrobats the clowns were found in 2400 BCE and the circus was found in 1750 because my auntie and uncle performed as acrobats in 1850.
The Circus Maximus was a work in progress at least until the time of Augustus. It was originally built as a ceremonial arena and race track by the first Etruscan king to celebrate a victory. Succeeding rulers enhanced it, adding the famous "spina" or spine down the middle upon which were located the symbols of Neptune and other religious decor.