Hannibal was the son of Hamilcar Barca. There is nothing at all known about his mother. She was possibly a foreigner of no repute.
eastern parents are more strict and the children are more passive and obey their parents, respect their elders while in western we have more pride and don't really listen to our beloved parents
His parents were ordinary people so no one knows the name of his parent's because he was born humble.Which means he was born poor like every other roman citizen.Except kings and queens of Rome.
Parents in the 1500's thought that it was alright to put them in dirty living conditions because they didn't know about germs. I wasn't that they used to be cruel it was just that they didn't know what it would do to them.
My parents came from Scotland in 1960 so I am guess there
Roman Frister was a Jewish Survivor of the holocaust where he was forced to watch his parents die by the horrid Nazis.
Hannibals empire was pretty big but half of the army died on its way to the enemy
i dont no
in Roman
Hannibals' brother is Hasdrubal.
Not invading Rome when he had the chance.
By superior tactics at the Battle of Zama 202 BCE.
Hasdurbal was the name of one of his brothers.
The elephant on whose back he was riding to cross the alps.
Hannibal's secret weapon was the use of elephants
Hamilcar Barca (born 275bc - died 228bc) he was the Carthaginian General
Her name was Didobal and his fathers name was Hamilcar and he had a brother called Hasdrubal. :D
in the mountains where it was too cold for most of them to survive to be more specific - in the Alps