Constantine I moved the capital of the eastern part of the empire from Nicodemia to nearby Byzantium, which was renamed Constantinople. Nicomedia was associated with Diocletian, the emperor which established this city as capital and who unleashed the Great Persecution of Christians which had been very unpopular. Moreover, Constantine supported Christianity. When Constantine I became sole emperor, he wanted to built a new capital to disentangle the capital of the east from Diocletian's past, for personal glory and for his penchant for Propaganda. His new capital was a mark of the new dawn his rule would bring about.
Constantine did not move the imperial capital form Rome to Byzantium. Rome had already ceased to be the capital when his predecessor, Diocletian, designated Nicomedia (in north-western Turkey) as the imperial capital of the eastern part of the empire and Milan (in Italy) as the imperial capital of the western part of the empire. Constantine redeveloped Byzantium and renamed it. It became Constantinople (City of Constantine). It was inaugurated in 330.
The Emperor Constantine the Great (also known as Constantine I) moved the capital of the old Roman Empire to the Ancient Greek city in the East called Byzantium, and renamed this city as "Constantinople - the New Rome" in the year 330 AD. Constantinople remained the capital of the New Roman (or Eastern Roman) Empire until the year 1453 AD.
It was Constantine the Great. He moved the capital of the eastern part of the Roman Empire from Nicomedia (in north-western Turkey) to the nearby Byzantium, which was 66 miles to the west. he redeveloped it , renamed it Constantinople (city of Constantine) and inaugurated it in 330. This new capital was given titles such as "The New, second Rome,' 'Eastern Rome,' 'Alma Roma,' and 'Roma Constantinopolitana.' Propaganda-wise the new capital symbolised the new dawn of the Roman Empire which Constantine rule would usher in.
Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.Constantine was the Roman emperor from 306 or 307 to his death in 337.
The emperor Constantine moved the capitol to Constantinople, the city he named after himself.The emperor Constantine moved the capitol to Constantinople, the city he named after himself.The emperor Constantine moved the capitol to Constantinople, the city he named after himself.The emperor Constantine moved the capitol to Constantinople, the city he named after himself.The emperor Constantine moved the capitol to Constantinople, the city he named after himself.The emperor Constantine moved the capitol to Constantinople, the city he named after himself.The emperor Constantine moved the capitol to Constantinople, the city he named after himself.The emperor Constantine moved the capitol to Constantinople, the city he named after himself.The emperor Constantine moved the capitol to Constantinople, the city he named after himself.
constantine's capitol was constantinople
because there were like problems or sumthing o-o
Constantine moved the capital to Byzantium which he rebuilt and renamed Constantinople after himself.
The Emperor, Constantine I moved his capitol from Rome to Byzantium (later Constantinople, now Istanbul) in the first quarter of the 4th Century
Constantine built his capitol, Constantinople on the site of the city of Byzantium.Constantine built his capitol, Constantinople on the site of the city of Byzantium.Constantine built his capitol, Constantinople on the site of the city of Byzantium.Constantine built his capitol, Constantinople on the site of the city of Byzantium.Constantine built his capitol, Constantinople on the site of the city of Byzantium.Constantine built his capitol, Constantinople on the site of the city of Byzantium.Constantine built his capitol, Constantinople on the site of the city of Byzantium.Constantine built his capitol, Constantinople on the site of the city of Byzantium.Constantine built his capitol, Constantinople on the site of the city of Byzantium.
he was blessed
A few things that Constantine did while emperor was to legalize all religions, win civil wars, move the capital and murder his wife and son.A few things that Constantine did while emperor was to legalize all religions, win civil wars, move the capital and murder his wife and son.A few things that Constantine did while emperor was to legalize all religions, win civil wars, move the capital and murder his wife and son.A few things that Constantine did while emperor was to legalize all religions, win civil wars, move the capital and murder his wife and son.A few things that Constantine did while emperor was to legalize all religions, win civil wars, move the capital and murder his wife and son.A few things that Constantine did while emperor was to legalize all religions, win civil wars, move the capital and murder his wife and son.A few things that Constantine did while emperor was to legalize all religions, win civil wars, move the capital and murder his wife and son.A few things that Constantine did while emperor was to legalize all religions, win civil wars, move the capital and murder his wife and son.A few things that Constantine did while emperor was to legalize all religions, win civil wars, move the capital and murder his wife and son.
After he won the war and became emperor, Constantine built the triple Arch of Constantine in Rome. Although he shortly left and moved the capitol to Constantinople, the arch remained in Rome symbolizing who was their ruler.After he won the war and became emperor, Constantine built the triple Arch of Constantine in Rome. Although he shortly left and moved the capitol to Constantinople, the arch remained in Rome symbolizing who was their ruler.After he won the war and became emperor, Constantine built the triple Arch of Constantine in Rome. Although he shortly left and moved the capitol to Constantinople, the arch remained in Rome symbolizing who was their ruler.After he won the war and became emperor, Constantine built the triple Arch of Constantine in Rome. Although he shortly left and moved the capitol to Constantinople, the arch remained in Rome symbolizing who was their ruler.After he won the war and became emperor, Constantine built the triple Arch of Constantine in Rome. Although he shortly left and moved the capitol to Constantinople, the arch remained in Rome symbolizing who was their ruler.After he won the war and became emperor, Constantine built the triple Arch of Constantine in Rome. Although he shortly left and moved the capitol to Constantinople, the arch remained in Rome symbolizing who was their ruler.After he won the war and became emperor, Constantine built the triple Arch of Constantine in Rome. Although he shortly left and moved the capitol to Constantinople, the arch remained in Rome symbolizing who was their ruler.After he won the war and became emperor, Constantine built the triple Arch of Constantine in Rome. Although he shortly left and moved the capitol to Constantinople, the arch remained in Rome symbolizing who was their ruler.After he won the war and became emperor, Constantine built the triple Arch of Constantine in Rome. Although he shortly left and moved the capitol to Constantinople, the arch remained in Rome symbolizing who was their ruler.
Constantine did not rename the capital. He renamed the city of Byzantium which he developed and designated as capital. He renamed it after himself. Constantinople means city of Constantine.
Constantine moved the capitol which was the center of power to Constantinople, the city he named after himself.Constantine moved the capitol which was the center of power to Constantinople, the city he named after himself.Constantine moved the capitol which was the center of power to Constantinople, the city he named after himself.Constantine moved the capitol which was the center of power to Constantinople, the city he named after himself.Constantine moved the capitol which was the center of power to Constantinople, the city he named after himself.Constantine moved the capitol which was the center of power to Constantinople, the city he named after himself.Constantine moved the capitol which was the center of power to Constantinople, the city he named after himself.Constantine moved the capitol which was the center of power to Constantinople, the city he named after himself.Constantine moved the capitol which was the center of power to Constantinople, the city he named after himself.