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Why did Nero have self-acknowledged Christians arrested first?

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Q: Why did Nero have self-acknowledged christians arrested first?
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Under which Roman Emperor did Christians first become a target of the Romans?

Nero was the emperor who fed to the lions, burned alive, and crucified Christians of the early church. He was also emperor when Rome burned to the ground.

Who did Nero blame for the fire?

Nero blamed the Christians for setting the disastrous fire that swept through Rome.Nero blamed the Christians for setting the disastrous fire that swept through Rome.Nero blamed the Christians for setting the disastrous fire that swept through Rome.Nero blamed the Christians for setting the disastrous fire that swept through Rome.Nero blamed the Christians for setting the disastrous fire that swept through Rome.Nero blamed the Christians for setting the disastrous fire that swept through Rome.Nero blamed the Christians for setting the disastrous fire that swept through Rome.Nero blamed the Christians for setting the disastrous fire that swept through Rome.Nero blamed the Christians for setting the disastrous fire that swept through Rome.

Did Nero once rule the roman empire?

No, Nero was not the first emperor of Rome, Augustus Caesar/ Octavian was the first emperor of Rome.

Is Nero in hell?

According to most society, he would be. He has been dubbed the "Anti-Christ" and was negligent of the caring of Rome. He was also a hefty executor. And as it is that Christians felt the brunt of Nero's persecution, by all means, he resides in the Christian Hell.

Why did galba kill Nero?

Galba did not kill Nero. He revolted against Nero. Nero committed suicide, killing himself.Galba did not kill Nero. He revolted against Nero. Nero committed suicide, killing himself.Galba did not kill Nero. He revolted against Nero. Nero committed suicide, killing himself.Galba did not kill Nero. He revolted against Nero. Nero committed suicide, killing himself.Galba did not kill Nero. He revolted against Nero. Nero committed suicide, killing himself.Galba did not kill Nero. He revolted against Nero. Nero committed suicide, killing himself.Galba did not kill Nero. He revolted against Nero. Nero committed suicide, killing himself.Galba did not kill Nero. He revolted against Nero. Nero committed suicide, killing himself.Galba did not kill Nero. He revolted against Nero. Nero committed suicide, killing himself.

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Why did Nero have self-acknowledged Christian's arrested first?

Why did Nero have self-acknowledged Christians arrested first?

What was the first persecutions of christians?

The first persecution of the Christians was actually under the emperor Domitian. Now, it is claimed by some that Nero was the emperor who first persecuted the Christians, but Nero prosecuted them rather than persecuted them. In Nero's time they were charged with the crime of arson which was a capitol offence in ancient Rome. According to the ancient writers they had trials and were found guilty, rounded up and executed. When most of the Christian ringleaders had been arrested, the prosecution stopped an the remaining Christians were able to return to the practice of their religion.The first persecution of the Christians was actually under the emperor Domitian. Now, it is claimed by some that Nero was the emperor who first persecuted the Christians, but Nero prosecuted them rather than persecuted them. In Nero's time they were charged with the crime of arson which was a capitol offence in ancient Rome. According to the ancient writers they had trials and were found guilty, rounded up and executed. When most of the Christian ringleaders had been arrested, the prosecution stopped an the remaining Christians were able to return to the practice of their religion.The first persecution of the Christians was actually under the emperor Domitian. Now, it is claimed by some that Nero was the emperor who first persecuted the Christians, but Nero prosecuted them rather than persecuted them. In Nero's time they were charged with the crime of arson which was a capitol offence in ancient Rome. According to the ancient writers they had trials and were found guilty, rounded up and executed. When most of the Christian ringleaders had been arrested, the prosecution stopped an the remaining Christians were able to return to the practice of their religion.The first persecution of the Christians was actually under the emperor Domitian. Now, it is claimed by some that Nero was the emperor who first persecuted the Christians, but Nero prosecuted them rather than persecuted them. In Nero's time they were charged with the crime of arson which was a capitol offence in ancient Rome. According to the ancient writers they had trials and were found guilty, rounded up and executed. When most of the Christian ringleaders had been arrested, the prosecution stopped an the remaining Christians were able to return to the practice of their religion.The first persecution of the Christians was actually under the emperor Domitian. Now, it is claimed by some that Nero was the emperor who first persecuted the Christians, but Nero prosecuted them rather than persecuted them. In Nero's time they were charged with the crime of arson which was a capitol offence in ancient Rome. According to the ancient writers they had trials and were found guilty, rounded up and executed. When most of the Christian ringleaders had been arrested, the prosecution stopped an the remaining Christians were able to return to the practice of their religion.The first persecution of the Christians was actually under the emperor Domitian. Now, it is claimed by some that Nero was the emperor who first persecuted the Christians, but Nero prosecuted them rather than persecuted them. In Nero's time they were charged with the crime of arson which was a capitol offence in ancient Rome. According to the ancient writers they had trials and were found guilty, rounded up and executed. When most of the Christian ringleaders had been arrested, the prosecution stopped an the remaining Christians were able to return to the practice of their religion.The first persecution of the Christians was actually under the emperor Domitian. Now, it is claimed by some that Nero was the emperor who first persecuted the Christians, but Nero prosecuted them rather than persecuted them. In Nero's time they were charged with the crime of arson which was a capitol offence in ancient Rome. According to the ancient writers they had trials and were found guilty, rounded up and executed. When most of the Christian ringleaders had been arrested, the prosecution stopped an the remaining Christians were able to return to the practice of their religion.The first persecution of the Christians was actually under the emperor Domitian. Now, it is claimed by some that Nero was the emperor who first persecuted the Christians, but Nero prosecuted them rather than persecuted them. In Nero's time they were charged with the crime of arson which was a capitol offence in ancient Rome. According to the ancient writers they had trials and were found guilty, rounded up and executed. When most of the Christian ringleaders had been arrested, the prosecution stopped an the remaining Christians were able to return to the practice of their religion.The first persecution of the Christians was actually under the emperor Domitian. Now, it is claimed by some that Nero was the emperor who first persecuted the Christians, but Nero prosecuted them rather than persecuted them. In Nero's time they were charged with the crime of arson which was a capitol offence in ancient Rome. According to the ancient writers they had trials and were found guilty, rounded up and executed. When most of the Christian ringleaders had been arrested, the prosecution stopped an the remaining Christians were able to return to the practice of their religion.

Who was accused of burning down ancient Rome?

Take your pick, either Nero or the Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome.Take your pick, either Nero or the Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome.Take your pick, either Nero or the Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome.Take your pick, either Nero or the Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome.Take your pick, either Nero or the Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome.Take your pick, either Nero or the Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome.Take your pick, either Nero or the Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome.Take your pick, either Nero or the Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome.Take your pick, either Nero or the Christians were blamed for the burning of Rome.

Who was the Roman emperor that began the persecution of christians?

It is generally agreed that there was no organised, general, centrally directed persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire before the edict of Emperor Decius in 249. This remained in effect until 251 CE. The "great persecution" of Christians was initiated by Emperor Diocletian in 303 CE. It lasted until 305 in the West, but continued until 311 in the East.

What emperor hey did Christians?


What did Nero do for life?


Why did Nero start a campaign against Christians?

Nero did not "start a campaign against the Christians." In the aftermath of a devastating fire in Rome in 64 AD, rumor had it that Nero had started the fire. To shift suspicion away from himself, he began arresting Christians. Some of those arrested informed against others and, for a few weeks in the city of Rome itself, Christians were tortured in particularly barbaric ways. The historian Tacitus, in his Annals 15.44, describes the persecution and says that the ferocity of it soon created a backlash of sympathy for the Christians. This persecution was short-lived and did not spread beyond the city of Rome.

Were christians friends with emperor nero?

Nero was said to have persecuted the Christians as a scapegoat because there were accusations that he started the Great Fire of Rome in 64. Some modern historians doubt this. It this was the case, the Christians would not have been friends with Nero.

Why did Roman leaders stop tolerating Christians?

The Roman Government began persecuting Christians under Emperor Nero. Nero began to execute large numbers of Christians following the Great Fire of Rome. According to the Roman historian Tacitus, the population searched for a scapegoat and rumors held Nero responsible. To deflect blame, Nero targeted Christians.

Why did the Roman government begin persecuting the Christians?

The Roman Government began persecuting Christians under Emperor Nero. Nero began to execute large numbers of Christians following the Great Fire of Rome. According to the Roman historian Tacitus, the population searched for a scapegoat and rumors held Nero responsible. To deflect blame, Nero targeted Christians.

Why was the first Pope Peter executed?

St. Peter, the first pope, was ordered executed by the Roman Emperor Nero because he was a Christian and Nero had decided to blame the great fire that destroyed much of Rome in the year 64 on the Christians.

What was the persecution of Nero?

He persecuted Christians for what they believed in.