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For the same reason we have only one main meal. For the Romans it was dinner, just as it is for most of us. They had lighter meals or snacks for both breakfast and lunch, sometimes away from home, so dinner was when the family got together and had their main meal.

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For the same reasons that we only have one main meal. They usually grabbed a quick breakfast of leftovers, and a light lunch. By dinner time, at the end of the day they were ready for a substantial meal.

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14y ago

The Romans had one main meal a day for the same reasons that we have only one main meal a day. They were busy during the day, just as we are, and had no time to sit down and pig out. The main meal was usually dinner, just as ours is.

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Which roman republic was made by jullius Caesar?

The Romans only had one republic and it was established hundreds of years before Julius Caesar was born. Julius Caesar never "made" a republic.The Romans only had one republic and it was established hundreds of years before Julius Caesar was born. Julius Caesar never "made" a republic.The Romans only had one republic and it was established hundreds of years before Julius Caesar was born. Julius Caesar never "made" a republic.The Romans only had one republic and it was established hundreds of years before Julius Caesar was born. Julius Caesar never "made" a republic.The Romans only had one republic and it was established hundreds of years before Julius Caesar was born. Julius Caesar never "made" a republic.The Romans only had one republic and it was established hundreds of years before Julius Caesar was born. Julius Caesar never "made" a republic.The Romans only had one republic and it was established hundreds of years before Julius Caesar was born. Julius Caesar never "made" a republic.The Romans only had one republic and it was established hundreds of years before Julius Caesar was born. Julius Caesar never "made" a republic.The Romans only had one republic and it was established hundreds of years before Julius Caesar was born. Julius Caesar never "made" a republic.

How many meals did Ancient Greeks eat a day?

The Romans had three meals a day, just a we do. The size and content of the meals would depend on the person's wealth. We hear a lot about the lavish banquets that the wealthy would sometimes host and sometimes get the idea that the Romans only ate one meal. This is a misconception.

What is the romans connection to Latinos in us?

If you mean the United States by "us", the letters should be capitalized otherwise the "us" becomes a pronoun meaning "you and me". But to answer your question, the only connection between Latinos and the Romans is their language. Spanish is one of the languages derived from Latin, the language that the Romans spoke.If you mean the United States by "us", the letters should be capitalized otherwise the "us" becomes a pronoun meaning "you and me". But to answer your question, the only connection between Latinos and the Romans is their language. Spanish is one of the languages derived from Latin, the language that the Romans spoke.If you mean the United States by "us", the letters should be capitalized otherwise the "us" becomes a pronoun meaning "you and me". But to answer your question, the only connection between Latinos and the Romans is their language. Spanish is one of the languages derived from Latin, the language that the Romans spoke.If you mean the United States by "us", the letters should be capitalized otherwise the "us" becomes a pronoun meaning "you and me". But to answer your question, the only connection between Latinos and the Romans is their language. Spanish is one of the languages derived from Latin, the language that the Romans spoke.If you mean the United States by "us", the letters should be capitalized otherwise the "us" becomes a pronoun meaning "you and me". But to answer your question, the only connection between Latinos and the Romans is their language. Spanish is one of the languages derived from Latin, the language that the Romans spoke.If you mean the United States by "us", the letters should be capitalized otherwise the "us" becomes a pronoun meaning "you and me". But to answer your question, the only connection between Latinos and the Romans is their language. Spanish is one of the languages derived from Latin, the language that the Romans spoke.If you mean the United States by "us", the letters should be capitalized otherwise the "us" becomes a pronoun meaning "you and me". But to answer your question, the only connection between Latinos and the Romans is their language. Spanish is one of the languages derived from Latin, the language that the Romans spoke.If you mean the United States by "us", the letters should be capitalized otherwise the "us" becomes a pronoun meaning "you and me". But to answer your question, the only connection between Latinos and the Romans is their language. Spanish is one of the languages derived from Latin, the language that the Romans spoke.If you mean the United States by "us", the letters should be capitalized otherwise the "us" becomes a pronoun meaning "you and me". But to answer your question, the only connection between Latinos and the Romans is their language. Spanish is one of the languages derived from Latin, the language that the Romans spoke.

How many countries ruled France?

only the romans ruled France at one time when France was known as Gaul

What was one reason powerful Romans might not have liked what Jesus said?

One reason the Romans didn't like what Jesus said was because he gained the interest of the Jewish people. The Romans were afraid that Jesus would lead a revolution against the Romans to give power back to the Jewish people.

Related questions

Why did the Romans only had one main meal?

The Romans had one main meal just as we have. They had breakfast and lunch, but these were lighter meals or even snacks. Their dinner was their main meal just as our diners generally are our main meals.

Why did the Romans only have one main meal?

They didn't. They had three meals a day. We only hear about their main meal especially if it were a banquet. The Romans usually had a breakfast of leftovers from the night before and lunch was generally a light snack. However sometimes the lunch could be the main meal, if someone were entertaining visitors that afternoon, as in Cicero's letter to Atticus, talking about the luncheon his brother wanted to serve. Then dinner would usually be a snack. By the way, it was considered good manners to take leftovers home if you were invited to a dinner. A large napkin was brought along for this purpose.

Why did the Romans only have one meal?

The Romans did not have only one meal. They had breakfast, lunch and dinner just as we do, however their choice of foods for these meals might be considered a little strange to our way of thinking. Breakfast would consist of leftovers from the night before, or if no leftovers, some bread dipped in honey or cheese. Lunch was usually a snack of fresh fruits and maybe sausage. Dinner was their main meal and the largest, with an eye to having leftovers the next morning.

What is 1 course meal?

Its a meal with only one course, or dish of food. Like only noodles and no other types of food. A 1 Course meal consist of the entree (main course) only.

What does 1-dish meal needs?

A one-dish meal is a meal with only one course. For example, I could go to a restaraunt and just order the main course. That's one dish. Or I could just order dessert that's also one dish.

What is a 1 course meal?

Its a meal with only one course, or dish of food. Like only noodles and no other types of food. A 1 Course meal consist of the entree (main course) only.

What are the three main groups in a one dish meal?

Main course, side dish, and a drink

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There is no day during Lent when only one meal may be eaten. On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday Catholics should eat only one major meal and the other two meals must be, combine, less that the major meal.

What is multiple course meal?

A meal that has more then one courses. meaning, for example: first you would get a salad. Then when you finish the salad you get a main course. Then when you finish your main course you get dessert.

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How frequently do crocodiles eat?

Crocodiles only need one big meal and that will last them a meal

Is 1160 calories too many for one meal?

Yes it is. A person should take about 2000 calories average in a day. So, split that on 5 meals, 3 of them as a main meals and 2 snacks and you will get your answer. If you take 1160 calories only in one meal, you have only 840 calories to split between the rest of your meals.