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Because at that time, it was. Think of a world where there are no airplanes; that the average travel is by beast of burden. Then think of the marvelous news that came from this exotic, cultural place called Rome. Those who went and came back told incredible tales. If you were a citizen, you were afforded certain rights not given to many others. Rome was financially, scientifically and legally important. Rome has influenced almost all facets of our lives, including the calendar we use, the wedding cakes we cut and the wreaths we hang out at Christmas. Oh, and by the way, Christmas was originally Sol Invictus, a Roman holiday. If you are a June bride, you are following the June tradition of marrying under the benevolent auspices of Juno. Let's also mention that they have the greatest food on earth. When in Rome... and out of it... we still do as the Romans.

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13y ago

Because the Romans wanted more land so that they could use it for trade, farming and mining. The Romans didn't just decide to invade everywhere, the also wanted to use slaves, and use people already under their command to pay them taxes. eventually the roman empire split into two; the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire. Eventually these became known as the Holy Roman Empire (Western) and the Byzantine Empire (Eastern). The Holy Roman Empire didn't last very long, however the Byzantine Empire lasted until the 1500, when the Ottoman Empire invaded, eventually leaving the Byzantine with a small portion of Greece.

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12y ago

They didn't - Rome ended up getting an empire because of internal forces at work in Rome politically.

For instance, Higher up Romans (the Patricians) needed to compete to get status within Rome, and one way to do this was to pursue a career in the military - a good way to get prestige in Rome was to have a successful military campaign against Rome's enemies such as the Gauls.

Roman Legionnaires were also awarded land for their retirement, if the roman empire ceased expanding, that meant they were unable to gain land to parcel out to their Legionnaires.

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Q: Why did Romans think Rome was the center of the world?
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