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To bring them luck.

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Q: Why did people in the middle ages keep doves?
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What were castles built for in the middle ages?

Castles in the Middle Ages were used to keep out enemies.

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What was the job of the scullion in the Middle Ages?

to keep the fire going

What was the middle ages like during Easter?

people used to hide like the eggs and if you found them you would keep them and crack them open!

What were jobs of a knight in the middle ages?

to keep th eking/queen safe

How can you avoid the bubonic plague?

Avoid living in the Middle Ages Keep a clean house (free of fleas) and do not associate with people suspected of having the Plague.

What was the role of the christian church in the middle ages?

The same as it is now: a way to control people and keep them in check. They just got away with more back then.

What were barns and stables used for in the middle ages?

Barns where used for the animals and to keep the food there.

What was the name of a tower in the middle ages?

A tower might also have been called a keep.

What is a medieval king and what did they do?

Medieval kings were people who lived in the middle ages and had the title and powers of a King. What they did was rule their kingdom, and sometimes fight to keep or expand their lands.

What are the great towers in middle ages called?

What the great towers were called were keepers or keep (s)

How was land ownership in the middle ages?

The people who owned the land were the Nobility and the Nobility were charged with protection of the country and king. So they were required to serve as a knight for the king to keep the land they were given.