Unless they were a noble, they had nothing other choice but to support their kings.
Through divine right, or in other words the people believed god chose people to become their kings. Strong personality and successful battles increased their power.
They were either Kings, Queens, or nobles.
They believed at that time that their power was annointed to them directly by god. and since people feared god, they feared the kings as they were gods presence on earth.
It guaranteed people rights that kings must respect
The old unwritten rule; either for or against.
To support the war efforts.
they sent supplies for the people in the war
In what ways did Minnesota support the war effort in ww2
The Ghana's kings used the tax money they collected to support Ghana's growing army. Traders weren't the only people who had to pay the taxes.
his feelings were us people that is one reason people should care for him he cared for us i am pasting this as a honor for martin Luther kings day and i support him i hope you do to this is 2010
Yes, all Hebrew kings waged war.Yes, all Hebrew kings waged war.
In what ways did minnesota support the war effort in ww2
Great Kings' War was created in 1985.
The British people didn't have the persuasion that this war was really big to Great Britain leaving them no choice but to not support the war
Bluejackets or kings