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Aeneas is important in Rome because he is the hero of their national epic poem. He incorporated all the virtues that a Roman was supposed to have.

Aeneas is important in Rome because he is the hero of their national epic poem. He incorporated all the virtues that a Roman was supposed to have.

Aeneas is important in Rome because he is the hero of their national epic poem. He incorporated all the virtues that a Roman was supposed to have.

Aeneas is important in Rome because he is the hero of their national epic poem. He incorporated all the virtues that a Roman was supposed to have.

Aeneas is important in Rome because he is the hero of their national epic poem. He incorporated all the virtues that a Roman was supposed to have.

Aeneas is important in Rome because he is the hero of their national epic poem. He incorporated all the virtues that a Roman was supposed to have.

Aeneas is important in Rome because he is the hero of their national epic poem. He incorporated all the virtues that a Roman was supposed to have.

Aeneas is important in Rome because he is the hero of their national epic poem. He incorporated all the virtues that a Roman was supposed to have.

Aeneas is important in Rome because he is the hero of their national epic poem. He incorporated all the virtues that a Roman was supposed to have.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Aeneas was important to early Rome because he became a folk hero, giving the Roman people an example of the virtues and their rewards and all the other positive characteristics that a Roman was supposed to have.

Aeneas was important to early Rome because he became a folk hero, giving the Roman people an example of the virtues and their rewards and all the other positive characteristics that a Roman was supposed to have.

Aeneas was important to early Rome because he became a folk hero, giving the Roman people an example of the virtues and their rewards and all the other positive characteristics that a Roman was supposed to have.

Aeneas was important to early Rome because he became a folk hero, giving the Roman people an example of the virtues and their rewards and all the other positive characteristics that a Roman was supposed to have.

Aeneas was important to early Rome because he became a folk hero, giving the Roman people an example of the virtues and their rewards and all the other positive characteristics that a Roman was supposed to have.

Aeneas was important to early Rome because he became a folk hero, giving the Roman people an example of the virtues and their rewards and all the other positive characteristics that a Roman was supposed to have.

Aeneas was important to early Rome because he became a folk hero, giving the Roman people an example of the virtues and their rewards and all the other positive characteristics that a Roman was supposed to have.

Aeneas was important to early Rome because he became a folk hero, giving the Roman people an example of the virtues and their rewards and all the other positive characteristics that a Roman was supposed to have.

Aeneas was important to early Rome because he became a folk hero, giving the Roman people an example of the virtues and their rewards and all the other positive characteristics that a Roman was supposed to have.

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12y ago

Aeneas was important to early Rome because he became a folk hero, giving the Roman people an example of the virtues and their rewards and all the other positive characteristics that a Roman was supposed to have.

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14y ago

Aeneas was important to the Roman Empire because he was their epic hero. Aeneas was to Rome as Beowulf was to Britain and El Cid was to Spain.

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12y ago

Aeneas is important in Rome because he is the hero of their national epic poem. He incorporated all the virtues that a Roman was supposed to have.

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