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It is because the name comes from a Latin word (they are Roman structures originally).

Although we normally see 'aqua' as the Latin for water, aqueduct comes from 'aquaeductus' - see the following from the Online Etymology Dictionary (

from L. aquaeductus "conveyance of water," from aquae, gen. of aqua "water" (see aqua-), + ductus "a leading, conducting," pp. of ducere "to lead".

So because it had both a and e, the word became aqu-E-duct, probably because that more closely represents the Latin sound than aqu-A-duct.

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Q: Why is aqueduct spelled aqueduct instead of aquaduct?
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Which is the correct spelling aquaduct or aqueduct?

It was formerly spelled aquaduct but now it is aqueduct. So aqueduct is the correct spelling.

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What is a structure that carries flowing water called?

A bridge for carrying water is called an aqueduct.

What is an aquaduct length?

There can be no set answer to your question. An aqueduct's length depended upon the distance between the source of the water and the place where it was going.

Where is the aquaduct in wheaton Illinois?

Its underground and is no longer in use. I live right next to it and they have recently restored the aqueduct but are considering removing it before it collapses and many people's houses go under the soil when the aqueduct collapses and the dirt caves in.

What is the depth of the California aqueduct?

It is a common misconception that the California aquaduct is 40ft wide X 30 ft deep (on average) While it has been settled that the aquaduct is, in fact, 40 ft wide it is and always will be impossible to determine the depth; there are simply no ropes long enough to get an accurate reading on the depth it is widely believed and rarely disputed fact that the california aquaduct is has no bottom

What is a channel for carrying water from one place to another and not a canal starts with an A?

An aqueduct is a structure used to carry water from one place to another. Unlike a canal, which is typically man-made and used for navigation and irrigation, an aqueduct is specifically designed to transport water for drinking or other purposes.

How do you use the word aquaduct in a sentence?

Someone threw my bicycle into the aquaduct. This valley would be a desert, if not for the aquaduct.

What does aquadact mean?

It is spelled "aqueduct". It is a structure for conveying water from one place to another.

When was the aqueducts built?

Please be more specific as to which aqueduct you are referring to. There were aqueducts all over the Roman empire and they were built over many centuries, with the city of Rome itself being supplied with eleven.The first aqueduct was the Aqua Appia whichsuppliedthe city of Rome and wascommissionedby the censor (anofficialresponsible for public works) AppiusClaudiusin 312 BC. The first aquaduct delivered 214,000 square feet of fresh water. The aquaduct was over twenty miles long.

Who designed the llangollen aquaduct?

The Llangollen Aqueduct was designed by Thomas Telford, a prominent Scottish civil engineer and architect. It was completed in 1805 as part of the Ellesmere Canal system, now known as the Llangollen Canal in Wales, UK. The aqueduct is a remarkable feat of engineering, carrying the canal over the River Dee on a series of stone arches.