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In the earlier period of Greek civilisation, the Mycenaean culture, there was no connection between Poseidon and the sea, even though this culture flourished on an island (Crete). He was seen as the king of the underworld. Later, the poets Homer and Hesiod suggest that Poseidon became lord of the sea when his brother Zeus overthrew their father, Knonos (time). The three siblings then divided the world among themselves by lot. Zeus was goy the sky, Poseidon the sea and their sister Hades the underworld. They shared the earth and Mount Olympus.

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Q: Why is posedion the ruler of the sea?
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What was Posedion the ruler of?

He is the ruler of the seas!

Who was posedion in The Odyssey?

God of the sea and Athena's father

is it poseidon or posedion, as in the greek god. posedion sounds cooler so thats it right right?

Its actually Poseidon but I do agree that Posedion sounds cooler.

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Poptropica how do you open the door at kingdom posedion?

go to the museum of Mt. Olympus and jump up to where the statue of posedion is and jump up to the starfish (it will go to your inventory). go to the kingdom of posedion and use your starfish.

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Poseidon was known as 'Earth Shaker' because, besides being god of the sea, he was also the god of earthquakes.

What was Poseidon the ruler of?

Poseidon is King of the Sea. No god or goddess ruled him in his domain.

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Neptune was the ruler of horses and the seas.

What was posieden the ruler of?

he was god of the sea.

Why was hades the god of the underworld?

Hades is the god of the underworld because when the universe needed to be divided between the three gods, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. They divided the sky, the sea, and the underworld. Zeus got to pick first because he is the one who killed Cronus, their father, in order to free his other siblings. Zeus chose the sky, Posedion then got to chose next. Posedion chose the sea. Now, that left the Underworld for Hades.