He made himself counsel and censor for life after his brother mysteriously died once he started getting power hungry he wasn't hurt by his brother
he got really hurt by his older brother titus. his brother took the throne and domitian never got the throne.
How was Hadrian a good or bad ruler
over population, bad ruler, people moving to different places
As Emperor, Domitian strengthened the economy by revaluing the Roman coinage, expanded the border defenses of the Empire, and initiated a massive building programme to restore the damaged city of Roman
There was no need for the imperial court to respond Tacitus' views. He expressed his views on the reign of Domitian after Domitian was assassinated and condemned to damnatio memoriae (erasure of memory). Tacitus expressed the hatred for tyranny which the reign of Domitian had created for him and shame about having been complicit to Domitian's persecution of individuals through his silence. Although Nerva had been an advisor of Domitian's and a supporter of his Flavian dynasty, when he was designated as the successor to the hated emperor, he was the one who issued the damnatio memoriae and had his coins and statues melted, his arches torn down and his name erased from all public records. Nerva would not/could not have contemplated a response to Tacitus' popular views.
Nerva's three major weaknesses were the circumstances of his proclamation as emperor, his desire to be a benign rule and the fact that he was childless. His predecessor, the emperor Domitian was assassinated because he was a tyrannical ruler who instituted many treason trials against his opponents. Yet, Rome remained deeply divided. Despite many people hating Domitian, there were still many people who supported him. Nerva failed to deal with this situation.Nerva was proclaimed emperor by the senate in haste, within hours of the news of the assassination of Domitian to prevent a civil war. He might have been considered a safe choice because he was old and childless. He lacked widespread support in the empire. Despite the fact that many senators suffered with Domitian's many treason trials, there still was a pro-Domitian faction in the senate. Therefore, Nerva's attempts to involve the senate in his government were only partially successful, even though he stopped the treason trials, returned the property confiscated by Domitian to its owners, released the people who had been imprisoned and gave amnesty to those who had been exiled.To gain support among the people Nerva gave a sum of money to each Roman citizen, granted a large number of plots of land for the poor, exempted people from the inheritance tax and made loans to the rich conditional to paying an interest of 5% to the local council for the support of the needy. However, the expenses that this generosity involved got the treasury into trouble.To appease the Praetorian (imperial) Guard, Nerva gave them a generous donation and sacked their head, who had been involved in Domitian's assassination. However, support for Domitian was still strong in the army and the Praetorian Guard considered his measures insufficient. They demanded the execution of the assassins, but Nerva refused.In his efforts to be a benign ruler, Nerva allowed the senate to continue to prosecute those who had been Domitian's informers. This led to anarchy as the senators acted in their personal interest and tried to settle scores with personal enemies. It was said that Domitian's tyranny was preferable to Nerva's anarchy. A plot against him was discovered, but he refused to execute the conspirators. This met the disapproval of the senate. As he had no heir, Nerva considered adopting the governor of Syria to have him as his successor. This was opposed by those who supported the general Trajan. The Praetorian Guard sieged his palace, took him hostage and forced him to meet their demand to hand over the assassins of Domitian for execution. His reputation was irreparably damaged. Nerva realised that without the support of the senate and the army his position was untenable. He adopted Trajan as his successor and shared power with him. Three months later he had a stroke and died soon afterwards. His reign lasted only just over 16 months.
Bad. For roman patircians and for Senate he was bad ruler cause he hated nobility and having bad reputation he did resort all kind of cruelity to ensure his authority and power. He also persecuted Jews and Christians (one theory says that it was Domitian who is actual anichrist mentioned in Book of Revelations). He did start unsucceful campaign in Dacia and caused financial disaster.
How was Hadrian a good or bad ruler
You question needs clarification before it can be answered. What do you mean by "domitian"? The only Domitian that comes to mind is the emperor Domitian and he was a person, not a structure.
British ruler, japan ruler, German ruler
Domitian of Huy died in 560.
Domitian of Huy was born in 5##.
The Ancient Greek Bad Ruler Was Alexander The Great I Think.
she is the best ruler because she loves Canadian bacon.
Domitian was a Roman emperor; see the link below.
yes he is
Domitian became emperor in 81 AD and ruled for 15 years.
he was a good ruler