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Helmets were important to the Romans because they protected the head and prevented many serious injuries, just as helmets today protect those wearing them. The Romans used helmets for much the same purposes as we do, such as, in the military, in Chariot Racing and in gladiatorial combats.

Helmets were important to the Romans because they protected the head and prevented many serious injuries, just as helmets today protect those wearing them. The Romans used helmets for much the same purposes as we do, such as, in the military, in chariot racing and in gladiatorial combats.

Helmets were important to the Romans because they protected the head and prevented many serious injuries, just as helmets today protect those wearing them. The Romans used helmets for much the same purposes as we do, such as, in the military, in chariot racing and in gladiatorial combats.

Helmets were important to the Romans because they protected the head and prevented many serious injuries, just as helmets today protect those wearing them. The Romans used helmets for much the same purposes as we do, such as, in the military, in chariot racing and in gladiatorial combats.

Helmets were important to the Romans because they protected the head and prevented many serious injuries, just as helmets today protect those wearing them. The Romans used helmets for much the same purposes as we do, such as, in the military, in chariot racing and in gladiatorial combats.

Helmets were important to the Romans because they protected the head and prevented many serious injuries, just as helmets today protect those wearing them. The Romans used helmets for much the same purposes as we do, such as, in the military, in chariot racing and in gladiatorial combats.

Helmets were important to the Romans because they protected the head and prevented many serious injuries, just as helmets today protect those wearing them. The Romans used helmets for much the same purposes as we do, such as, in the military, in chariot racing and in gladiatorial combats.

Helmets were important to the Romans because they protected the head and prevented many serious injuries, just as helmets today protect those wearing them. The Romans used helmets for much the same purposes as we do, such as, in the military, in chariot racing and in gladiatorial combats.

Helmets were important to the Romans because they protected the head and prevented many serious injuries, just as helmets today protect those wearing them. The Romans used helmets for much the same purposes as we do, such as, in the military, in chariot racing and in gladiatorial combats.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Helmets were important to the Romans because they protected the head and prevented many serious injuries, just as helmets today protect those wearing them. The Romans used helmets for much the same purposes as we do, such as, in the military, in chariot racing and in gladiatorial combats.

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What was most important to the Romans?

The most important thing to ancient Rome is difficult to pinpoint as there were many things that concerned the ancient Romans. However, one of the most important things, if not the most important thing to the Romans was the welfare of the state. If the state prospered, the Romans prospered.The most important thing to ancient Rome is difficult to pinpoint as there were many things that concerned the ancient Romans. However, one of the most important things, if not the most important thing to the Romans was the welfare of the state. If the state prospered, the Romans prospered.The most important thing to ancient Rome is difficult to pinpoint as there were many things that concerned the ancient Romans. However, one of the most important things, if not the most important thing to the Romans was the welfare of the state. If the state prospered, the Romans prospered.The most important thing to ancient Rome is difficult to pinpoint as there were many things that concerned the ancient Romans. However, one of the most important things, if not the most important thing to the Romans was the welfare of the state. If the state prospered, the Romans prospered.The most important thing to ancient Rome is difficult to pinpoint as there were many things that concerned the ancient Romans. However, one of the most important things, if not the most important thing to the Romans was the welfare of the state. If the state prospered, the Romans prospered.The most important thing to ancient Rome is difficult to pinpoint as there were many things that concerned the ancient Romans. However, one of the most important things, if not the most important thing to the Romans was the welfare of the state. If the state prospered, the Romans prospered.The most important thing to ancient Rome is difficult to pinpoint as there were many things that concerned the ancient Romans. However, one of the most important things, if not the most important thing to the Romans was the welfare of the state. If the state prospered, the Romans prospered.The most important thing to ancient Rome is difficult to pinpoint as there were many things that concerned the ancient Romans. However, one of the most important things, if not the most important thing to the Romans was the welfare of the state. If the state prospered, the Romans prospered.The most important thing to ancient Rome is difficult to pinpoint as there were many things that concerned the ancient Romans. However, one of the most important things, if not the most important thing to the Romans was the welfare of the state. If the state prospered, the Romans prospered.

Why did Romans make art?

The Romans made art for pleasure, as a form of visual expression of emotion, and as a passion, the same as modern artists.

What came first the knights or the Romans?

Roman. It was the ending of the Roman Empire that started the middle ages in 410 AD.

Why were Romans called the the Romans?

The Romans were called Romans because they were from Rome. Roman means people and things from Rome, similarly to English for England.

Where did the visigoths defeat the Romans in one of the most important?

The Visigoths defeated the Romans at the Battle of Adrianople in 378. This was the second worse defeat in Roman history. Adrianople was near modern day Edirne, in European Turkey.

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What was most important to the Romans?

The most important thing to ancient Rome is difficult to pinpoint as there were many things that concerned the ancient Romans. However, one of the most important things, if not the most important thing to the Romans was the welfare of the state. If the state prospered, the Romans prospered.The most important thing to ancient Rome is difficult to pinpoint as there were many things that concerned the ancient Romans. However, one of the most important things, if not the most important thing to the Romans was the welfare of the state. If the state prospered, the Romans prospered.The most important thing to ancient Rome is difficult to pinpoint as there were many things that concerned the ancient Romans. However, one of the most important things, if not the most important thing to the Romans was the welfare of the state. If the state prospered, the Romans prospered.The most important thing to ancient Rome is difficult to pinpoint as there were many things that concerned the ancient Romans. However, one of the most important things, if not the most important thing to the Romans was the welfare of the state. If the state prospered, the Romans prospered.The most important thing to ancient Rome is difficult to pinpoint as there were many things that concerned the ancient Romans. However, one of the most important things, if not the most important thing to the Romans was the welfare of the state. If the state prospered, the Romans prospered.The most important thing to ancient Rome is difficult to pinpoint as there were many things that concerned the ancient Romans. However, one of the most important things, if not the most important thing to the Romans was the welfare of the state. If the state prospered, the Romans prospered.The most important thing to ancient Rome is difficult to pinpoint as there were many things that concerned the ancient Romans. However, one of the most important things, if not the most important thing to the Romans was the welfare of the state. If the state prospered, the Romans prospered.The most important thing to ancient Rome is difficult to pinpoint as there were many things that concerned the ancient Romans. However, one of the most important things, if not the most important thing to the Romans was the welfare of the state. If the state prospered, the Romans prospered.The most important thing to ancient Rome is difficult to pinpoint as there were many things that concerned the ancient Romans. However, one of the most important things, if not the most important thing to the Romans was the welfare of the state. If the state prospered, the Romans prospered.

Why was the map of rome important for the Romans?

The map of Rome was important for the Romans because it showed the exact extension of the Empire. Since the Roman expansion was so vast, it was also helpful to travellers.

Why are the Roman numerals important to the Romans?

For exactly the same reasons why numbers are stillimportant to us today.

What is important about a Roman wall?

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What football helmet protects the most for concussions?

the best helment to prevent concussions is 1. Xenith- Best helment to buy 2. Any Riddell revo helment 3. Schutt DNA pro/ ion 4. A normal Riddell helment 5. A normal Schutt helment 6. Adams football helment

Why did they name Saturn after the roman go saturnus?

Saturn was named after the Roman god of agriculture. The Romans named the planets they saw after the important gods of their mythology.

Did both Caesar and Cleopatra live in rome for a while?

Yes. Caesar was a Roman, Rome was his home. Cleopatra, on her visits to Rome, stayed in one of Caesar's villas, which was the customary way that Romans provided accommodations for important visitors.Yes. Caesar was a Roman, Rome was his home. Cleopatra, on her visits to Rome, stayed in one of Caesar's villas, which was the customary way that Romans provided accommodations for important visitors.Yes. Caesar was a Roman, Rome was his home. Cleopatra, on her visits to Rome, stayed in one of Caesar's villas, which was the customary way that Romans provided accommodations for important visitors.Yes. Caesar was a Roman, Rome was his home. Cleopatra, on her visits to Rome, stayed in one of Caesar's villas, which was the customary way that Romans provided accommodations for important visitors.Yes. Caesar was a Roman, Rome was his home. Cleopatra, on her visits to Rome, stayed in one of Caesar's villas, which was the customary way that Romans provided accommodations for important visitors.Yes. Caesar was a Roman, Rome was his home. Cleopatra, on her visits to Rome, stayed in one of Caesar's villas, which was the customary way that Romans provided accommodations for important visitors.Yes. Caesar was a Roman, Rome was his home. Cleopatra, on her visits to Rome, stayed in one of Caesar's villas, which was the customary way that Romans provided accommodations for important visitors.Yes. Caesar was a Roman, Rome was his home. Cleopatra, on her visits to Rome, stayed in one of Caesar's villas, which was the customary way that Romans provided accommodations for important visitors.Yes. Caesar was a Roman, Rome was his home. Cleopatra, on her visits to Rome, stayed in one of Caesar's villas, which was the customary way that Romans provided accommodations for important visitors.