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The Founders expected Congress to abide by the constitution.

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Q: 1 What role did the Founders expect Congress to play in national policy making?
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Who declared saguaro national national park?

Congress passed a bill making it a national park. Before that it was a national monument.

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Who is the national legislature?

The national legislature is the branch of government responsible for making and passing laws at the national level. It typically consists of two houses or chambers, such as a Senate and a House of Representatives. Examples include the US Congress and the UK Parliament.

How did the George W Bush administration convince Congress and the American people to invade Iraq?

By claiming Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, making it a threat to national security

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The original intention of the Indian National Congress when it was founded in 1885 was to be a political party that represented the Indian people. At that time, India was a colony of England, and some Indians felt they had no voice or representation in decisions made by the government. The Indian National Congress sought a greater role in making policy, and wanted to advocate for laws that benefited the Indian people (rather than laws that just seemed to benefit the British colonial rulers).

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Nationalism came about in Asia when the formation of the Indian National Congress in 1885 took place, and shortly after the Philippines gained independence from the Spanish, making them a U.S. colony. Nationalism came about in Asia when the formation of the Indian National Congress in 1885 took place, and shortly after the Philippines gained independence from the Spanish, making them a U.S. colony.

How did the George Bush administration convince congress and the American people to invade Iraq?

By claiming Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, making it a threat to national security

What stops congress from buying and selling lands?

It is stopped due to the Parks and Recreation Act. This declared parks as national monuments. These monuments were considered for historical preservation, and thus prevented Congress from making any land transaction or ownership.

Eleven letter words for congress making laws?

Legislating is an eleven letter word for Congress making laws.

What are two law making bodies of the US Congress?

legislative and congress

Why do congress work in congress?

wanted to improve the government by making laws.

How did congress appease the antifederalist?

By making the Bill of Rights.