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1. What was "king" and the main topic of conversation in the South?

  • (0 pts) politics
  • (0 pts) sugarcane
  • (1 pt) cotton
  • (0 pts) slavery

2. Because many Southerners were unwilling to sell slaves to raise funds to build factories, they had no money to invest in businesses. Another name for this type of money is _____.

  • (0 pts) bonds
  • (1 pt) capital
  • (0 pts) business means

3. A shortage of what would have devastating consequences for the South during the Civil War?

  • (0 pts) canals
  • (1 pt) railroads
  • (0 pts) rivers
  • (0 pts) roads
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14y ago

The shortage that the Confederacy faced during the war was that they were short of soldiers, ammo, and weapons.

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Railroad tracks

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Q: A shortage of what would have devastating consequences for the south during the civil war?
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This shortage would cause devastating consequences for the south during the civil war?

Industrial manufacturing capacity

A shortage of what would have devasting consequences for the south during the civil war?

Any imported goods, as the blockade-runners' ports were increasingly closed down.

A shortage of what in the south proved to have devastating consequences for the confederates during the civil war?

The South lacked many things compared to the North. They did not have much of a railroad network. They had a limited capacity to make guns. They ran short of men as the war wore on. They did not have a navy to keep trade routes to Europe open.

What shortage did the confederate face during the civil war?


A a spy was caught what was the consequences during the Civil Wars?

they would hang you.

How might a rail shortage hinder the south during the civil war?

Inability to quickly move troops and supplies.

What exactly were civil war tokens used for?

Civil war tokens were minted during the civil war in the Northern Union states. They were used as a form of currency while there was a shortage of federal money, and were later on outlawed.

What was the effect of the American Civil War on the world?

A cotton shortage.

I'll put my two cents in The US Mint began striking two-cent coins during what war to combat a coin shortage?

Civil War

How did European countries react to the shortage of cotton during the Civil War?

They found out that other producing countries such as india and other countries sold cheaper cotton.

In what ways was the civil war devastating to the nation?

The Civil war was devastating to the United States because brothers and neighbors turned on to each other and butchered each other. The country also suffered economically.

What Arab country had a devastating civil war between 1975-1991?
