The period of time in the United States during which there was essentially one-party legislature. This time period is essentially Monroe's presidancy. At this time President James Monroe ruled. It wasn't at all a good feeling because there was foreclosures for farmers and the main culprit was thew Bank of the US. Bank of the US was treated as the financial devil because of its economic slowdown.
Evident political bitterness declined because the Federalists had largely dissolved and were no longer attacking the president or being attacked in return. The nation was politically united behind the Democratic-Republican Party. The Era of Good Feelings started after the War of 1812.
A Boston newspaper came to describe the period of James Monroe's presidency as the "Era of Good Feelings".
< the erra of good feelings>
they had sad feelings because most of the Americans were deid during that time
Cold war 1945-91
the cold war but just after ww2 it was resconstruction
The Era of Good Feelings.
Era of good feelings
Era of good feelings
The era of Good Feelings
Era Of Good Feelings
the era of good feellings were the feelings that people ate.
The Era of Good Feelings was marked by a strong sense of national unity.
War Of 1812
The Great Depression.
An era of peace, pride, and progress.
both parties buried their differences not true
feelings of good partisan politics had practically disappeared.